He wen't to preschool for a year,he use to be able to count to 10 with no problem and now he can't count past 10???!! someday's not even to 3 : / when i ask him to count for me he says 1234568,11,14 and gets worse from their. : / my son ISNT STUPID! his teacher is starting to piss me off with her progress report's ....... it makes him out to be a retard! since reciveing his lastest report i have been working with him at home,every night! we do flash cards,counting them.mixing them up and he tells me the number....the concepts of print and counting by 5's - 25 and by 10's - 50 with no luck,he can't do it! this kid can tell you all about nascar and the sport, the driver's number's ect... but when it come's to the norm like counting to 10 and homework he dosent get it? any advice on how to make him grasp the concept of counting.?? he isnt stupid!!!! i was a specail ed student back in my school day's and i dont wan't that for my son.
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