There is a cousine of mine who is VERY VERY weak in maths. He is in Grade 10 and is still having problem with maths. My uncle provided him a tutor (after a long begging from his son) and is somehow improving. But there is one problem! He is now depending on his Home Tutor's teachings (Actually the tutor is very professional) and never concentrate in the class that much and he says it is becoming a burden for him. In his school he studies different chapters in a mixed manner (from easier chapters to hard chapters) and his tutor wants him to go through the book in a straight manner. Now the problem is his tutor is in chapter 3 and my cousin is very attracted, attached to the tutor and also understands very fast with his Home tutor but in his school they are in ch. 11 (in a mixed way, it is not that they have covered 10 chapters) and his school is very slow at maths (probably because of the students). Now my question is does he leave the maths classes in his school and learn from home?
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