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Home Schooling

[Selected]: All categories Education & Reference Home Schooling

The umbrella school? Is it the same for any school, whether it be public, private or home?

2007-11-02 16:39:58 · 9 answers · asked by Maybur 3

i HATE geograghy and i don't like science or the teacher

2007-11-02 15:21:17 · 13 answers · asked by dr_corky 2


2007-11-02 08:53:13 · 9 answers · asked by OMGPeace&Love! 1

She is ten and very intelligent. She is great with generalized subjects like comprehension and history but the detailed things like carrying numbers and spelling boggle her!

Any suggestions or exercises we can do?

2007-11-02 06:49:43 · 11 answers · asked by toonew2two 4

2007-11-02 05:59:32 · 2 answers · asked by Jeanette50 1

i know everything i have to do to get started but i dont know what i can start doing for my 8month old i want to get a early start but only on hands on stimulation is there anything out there you recommend to get started?? what curriculum do you recommend that is all about hands on and that is not Christian based? no offense to anyone but i already know some Christian curriculum just looking to see if there are other types out there that isnt based on religion....

2007-11-01 07:27:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just joined a symphonic band this year and my tone is horrible, and I can barely go higher than high D. So, should I take up trumpet classes outside school? If so, where and roughly how much will it cost?

2007-11-01 00:09:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-30 11:38:33 · 13 answers · asked by ♫ Bubastes, Cat Goddess♥ 7

What are some reasons why home schooling is bad. I already know about the quality of learning,and social health but I would like to know of some more. Also I would like to know, if you buy text books to teach your children with about how much would they cost, and how much would science supplies cost ?

2007-10-30 11:02:39 · 6 answers · asked by tC 2

I'm moving to Missouri this Saturday and am currently in a program I love. I don't want to attend regular school and was wondering if anyone knows of any internet educational programs based in, or that you can participate in Missiouri, to earn my high school diploma online.

2007-10-30 01:03:47 · 6 answers · asked by Lexi 1

Does anyone know of a Home School High School Correspondence course which uses Saxon Math/Algebra?

2007-10-29 21:16:39 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

tell me anything and everything you know about this...my computer is being dumb and is disconnecting too much for me to research it. thanks.

2007-10-29 15:26:36 · 1 answers · asked by Kitty77 2

Im going to start homeschooling my daughter. What are the requirments i need to meet? What do i have to buy? What do i tell the school, when i return her books?

I need alot of help on this, please someone clue me in!

2007-10-29 14:57:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i wanna home school cuz i move alot but i wanna go 2 school to make friends what should i do?

2007-10-29 12:35:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

does anyone go to
have gone
or work at
penncrest high school

2007-10-29 09:54:17 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can still do NCEA and get the qualificatons i need to get into university, but my mum doesnt really understand. She believes in conventional schooling. I live in New Zealand and we dont have virtual schools on the internet, but we can get correspondence school, which is the same curriculum that the schools do anyway.
I go to a Private school, which is alright, but i have pretty crappy teachers and our classes are streamed, but not very well. I just want to be able to work at my own pace , without having to wait for everyone to finish.

2007-10-28 14:09:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our son is attending Japanese pre-school. We would like him to enjoy and take an interest in various subjects in his second language, English. Thanks in advance.

2007-10-26 10:46:37 · 3 answers · asked by Coco 2

HELP!! I am a Home schooled student, and I really need a larg amout of help on this topic...I am afraid I might fail out, and I don't know what to do. ANY help would be fenominal. It isn't that I am not smart, because I have had professional tests performed that I maxed out on. I just can't seem to get it together. I don't know what to do!! sorry for the poor writing quality, I am just trying to do this inbetwean classes.! College Bio next..."fun" isn't the word I use to describe it.

2007-10-26 00:44:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are homeschooled children obliged by the law of the country to follow the national curriculum in: UK?
French Polynesia?
United states?
and Africa?
PLEASE provide me the sources, the law statements etc.. as precise as possible. Thank you

2007-10-25 06:43:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

We want to Homeschool my daughter just for Kindergarten, then next year she will be going back to Public School system for 1st grade through 12th grade. Is this a bad idea in terms of socially for her? I work a 2nd shift (3-midnight) and only see my daughter on the weekend, but having her home during the day i can work with her and SEE her. It has been tough on her not seeing me and we have to deal with it every morning. I feel that i can teach her what she needs to know for kindergarten and be ready for 1st grade.

So should we do it? or will this put her at a disadvantage to the other 1st graders when she goes back to school?

2007-10-24 13:47:11 · 15 answers · asked by Tishmatt 2

i'm 15, 10th grade. i feel overloaded with school work because i fell behind, from things happening in my family, such as my family taking in my cousin, and me, mentally. i am bipolar, and have racing thoughts, can't sit still, get manic highs, and manic lows, and have a hard time getting to sleep at night. i have a hard time sitting down and focusing on one thing. i'm having a real hard time with biology, i don't understand what the book is trying to teach me, and i have a hard time with algebra, but i'm getting help there. but i feel stupid because i just can't do anything. please don't say go back to public school, because thats where i got my problems, and i'm not going back to that torture chamber. but am i stupid, or is there something wrong with me? how can i be able to concentrate, and catch up? PLEEASE help, i really need it, i'm SO stressed, i'm in tears constantly, please help, thnx!!!

2007-10-22 21:28:57 · 12 answers · asked by ♥Smiley♥ 2

i have a 5 years daughter, am home schooling her before the age of 4 actually. i tought i don't want to send her to the kindergarden but continue with the home schooling program till the time she go to the primary school. Is it okay and what the best way of teaching that will help her to improve fast?

2007-10-22 12:50:36 · 8 answers · asked by ein 2

Why are there so many stupid people who assume so much about home schooling without any real knowledge of the subject? Why do people assume that it's only possible to develop social skills in a government funded institution where when, how, and with whom you socialize is decided for you? or that homeschoolers can't get accepted to universities, or that homeschoolers can't participate in sports, clubs, band, art, music, etc? Or that it's impossible for an ordinary person to follow a simple curriculum guide, or use the public library, or educational programs and websites or other sources int eh community to educate their children? It's ridiculous!

2007-10-20 14:25:20 · 18 answers · asked by i_come_from_under_the_hill 6

My parents went to school today, we asked if i can be homed school the lady said i have no reason to be.If i was sick or mentally ill theres a reason I can.She said If i want to homed school, go to the doctors and check if theres something wrong with you, if so you can be homed school if not then you can't.This is in Philly btw.

2007-10-19 08:50:17 · 21 answers · asked by c 1


my mom wants to take online cooking courses and asked for my help but i have no clue so any information is appreciated... if you know good websites please let me know

2007-10-16 08:06:50 · 8 answers · asked by AlexB 4

without "going" somewhere for lessons? Are there any homeschool 'academies' that allow
us to keep the finished workbooks? (Since
everything he writes in becomes a sentimental

2007-10-16 06:20:18 · 6 answers · asked by BlazingFire 1

I want to start homeschooling, and I live in Texas. What do i have to do? I have been in the public school system for 9 years, so do i have to notify anyone that I'm going to start homeschooling? Are there papers? If so, where do i get them? How long does it take to start?

2007-10-15 22:48:50 · 7 answers · asked by rynlacr 1