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Is home school better than public school?

2007-12-19 14:44:34 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a mother of five, 28, and a homemaker....and loving it I might add! My only dilemma is that I have younger ones that aren't in schooling age. I have a 7, 6, 4, 2, and 3 month old. I am only homeschooling the older two. It is hard enough to keep kid's attention at that age but even harder when I have little ones that want to get right in the middle! :o) Should I just wait till the little ones have their nap times? Any suggestions from fellow homeschoolers or teachers are most helpful.

2007-12-19 14:43:12 · 14 answers · asked by Mom2Five 2

Me and my mother have considered me being homeschooled because i really want to focus on my education. It seems that in high school I just waste a lot of time sitting there doing nothing and getting done before anyone else.

I didn't mean that to sound vain, but I'm a sophmore in high school and I just generally don't like the education system. I go to a school with 4,000 kids, and it seems when ever I have a question or problem I'm treated as just another student.

I love my friends though, and it would be really hard missing them; but my question is, what do homeschoolers acutually think about homeschooling? What is a normal day like?

Is it easier to learn, and/or faster. Is socialization a problem? Any advice is welcome :D

2007-12-19 12:06:27 · 17 answers · asked by Momo 5

How does your child like it also for parents with teens do they like being homeschooled?

2007-12-19 08:52:49 · 21 answers · asked by Sunshine 2

I have a son who is having difficulty with long division. We use Math-U-See, and have followed the instructional video. Each day I sit with him and we go over the problems, and he does the rest on his own. The next day, he forgets. We go over the math problems again, and he does the rest on his own. This has been the process for a few weeks.

For some reason, he is not understanding the concepts enough to remember how to do them. We have tried manipulatives, sitting together, etc. Each day he gets frustrated and overwhelmed. He has no problems understanding multiple digit multiplication, but when I try to help him see that division is just backward multiplying, and showing him what numbers connect where, he still gets frustrated.

Should I just put it away for a time and try again later? Could it be that he is just not there, yet? Do you have any recommendations?

2007-12-19 03:09:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-19 01:54:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you meet friends?

2007-12-18 13:37:58 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please watch this video and let me know what you think?
http://www.doublesh arpevideo. com/HomeSchool2/ Homeschool2. html

2007-12-18 05:20:17 · 12 answers · asked by Deb S (SFECU) pray4revival 6

My son attends a charter school where he goes to school 2 days a week and is homeschooled the other 3 days. He is very persistant, and needs to have a consistent daily routine, otherwise, we get nothing done. I love my friend, her hubby and her 2-year-old, but they'll call my husband in the early afternoon, he'll say "Come over," then they stay for HOURS. This messes with our bedtime routine, which causes problems in the morning.

The wife will say gently to her husband many times that they should really get going, but the guys are busy watching sports and just give her an "Uh-huh..." Many nights, they are here until 9pm (our normal bedtime routine starts with dinner at 5:30, then a short TV show, baths, etc. and the kids are asleep by 8:15 or so). They have a tiny place, so I understand why they want to come over 3 or 4 evenings each week. However, the husband does not seem to understand why we need to stick to our usual routine, even when we have guests.

2007-12-18 04:17:25 · 9 answers · asked by Kellie W 4

I am not against homeschooling, but my step children's mother has pulled them out of school to homeschool them. She didn't make it past 8th grade herself. Their oldest is a sophomore in high school. Her children had a problem with attendance from the time they entered kindergarten (missing more than 60 days throughout the year), simply because she didn't want to get them ready. At one point her second grader was responsible for getting a kindergartener up and ready for school. The school contacted us many times about this, but CPS wouldn't do anything about it. The only law in Indiana requires homeschooling parents to keep attendance, and to have books. There are no mandatory subjects or tests. So how do we go about assessing the kid's progress? Couldn't she "forge" attendance records? My husband and I have both been through college and are successful, but we still want our children to have better lives than what we have, I think everyone wants that for their children.

2007-12-18 03:37:35 · 8 answers · asked by jane 2

I'm 14 and i want to skateboard for my life but my parents disagree to homeschooling because they say there is no education involved but i was wondering if anyone had anything to help me persuade my parents because they say its a rediculous reason for homeschooling

2007-12-18 02:13:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm curious because I think the teaching cooperative of the local homeschool group to which we belong may be different than most.

We actually have two. One for elementary and one for middle / high school level courses. Both have a governing board comprised of parents.

With our teaching co-op, the teachers get paid by the parents.

Also... what type of courses are offered at your co-op?

With ours:

Elementary -
Bunches of electives (art, photography, etc.)

Middle & High School level
Spanish I & II
Algebra I & II
Latin I & II
Ancient Literature
Biology (with lab)

2007-12-18 00:17:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think your relationship with your children, and relationship between your children have changed after you do homeschooling?

2007-12-17 23:39:00 · 9 answers · asked by Bin Yo 1

Any one who is doing homeschooling is welcome to answer.
Now I am planning a questionnaire of homeschooling.

2007-12-17 21:53:15 · 18 answers · asked by Bin Yo 1

2007-12-17 12:59:28 · 3 answers · asked by Artur 3

hey y'all i'm homeschooled with about five other kids were all stuck in one room all day is there anything we could do to make it more interesting???

2007-12-17 10:43:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a homeschool section and I notice that there are people who only answer queries on this topic to bash homeschool. Since they never show any proof of their rude and ridiculous claims and even go as far as to lash out at children, should we just start reporting them? I've seen comments that range from a simple, "You should go to school", to "You are socially retarded and so are your children". This is not an answer. This is not helpful. Is it reportable?

2007-12-17 07:37:20 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

for children who live hundres of miles from schools how do they get there education.thanks

2007-12-16 21:40:39 · 23 answers · asked by fatdadslim 6

I need help on deciding what to do for high school! I'm a freshman this year with all A's. I've been homeschooled (its a place where you take some classes at a special school, and some you can do at home) since 6th grade, and my grades have significantly gotten better since then. I'm still getting A's (which is an accomplishment), but I kinda want to go to a public high school. The only thing is, I have a negative history with some people there, I'm definately not the most social person, kinda shy, and I'm afraid of not fitting in. My homeschooling place isnt the best place for having a social life, though the people there are pretty nice. But I still think I should have some social life during high school years. Should I go to public highschool next year, or stay where I am? I need your take on this!!! =]

2007-12-16 15:20:05 · 15 answers · asked by a 3

name 'em all.

2007-12-16 15:07:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-14 17:03:41 · 27 answers · asked by Blythe 1

I am a homeschooling Mom and I was wondering what exactly a Co-Op is?

2007-12-14 16:36:08 · 15 answers · asked by Heather 5

Where can I get my child into an Creative Writing Class somewhere close to Jacksonville, Florida?

2007-12-14 02:11:53 · 6 answers · asked by turkleton. 2

Children are under pressure of parents. No freedom.

2007-12-13 18:14:56 · 6 answers · asked by Sirus 1

My kids are in a Private school and we are planning to move in Jan. I do not want to enroll them in school that late in the school year. I am planning on homeschooling. My question is, how do i pick up where they left off? I also want to use the Abeka curriculum, but I dont want to have to buy the whole eyar curriculum for a few months! What are my options?

2007-12-13 16:00:46 · 12 answers · asked by carey646 3

Please let me know!

2007-12-13 09:33:41 · 12 answers · asked by breanne 1

I am just curious; because I believe a well know home school basher (who claims to be a teacher) used it as "evidence" AGAINST home schooling in another question. I wonder if this person really can believe that those reasons are legit, and if so what in the world is this person doing teaching children?Very scary. Here is the wesite I found the satire:

2007-12-13 01:10:12 · 11 answers · asked by Melissa C 5

Can ANY of you give me an actual study or statistic that shows or suggests that homeschooled kids have a HARDER TIME THAN PUBLICLY EDUCATED KIDS in the areas of
*Adjusting to social environments
*going on to college/the workforce
I mean, we homeschoolers can and DO present facts/stats all day long that show that homeschooled children excel in all of these areas despite what the stereotypes may have you believe, yet again and again the same "blah, blah, homeschooled kids need certified teachers to do well, blah, blah, have a hard time in social situations, blah, blah" comes up.
I'm just wondering where THOSE facts are coming from, because I've certainly never come across THAT set of statistics.

2007-12-12 06:57:58 · 15 answers · asked by Sunny And '74 4