You know how some organization is for community services, sisterhood, and family for ever. Do you feel seperated since you are not finanicial linked, some functions you are able to go too.
Do you feel left out, since you pledge new sister, and now you feel like an outcast, because now they considered you and old person, the girls are so much different then when you pledge especially if you pledge in the early 90's so forth.
How could we bring our self closer to get and keep that bond, do you feel that every year when new girls are being inducted that invitation should go out and invite older sisters, to witness the new intake crossing over into sisterhood.
Should they do family reunions "Sorority Reunions", and but annoucements out on the radio, or cable advertisements or newspaper adds. Would this be appealing..
Should sororities start a program for sorors who are not financially equip to pay their dues, how could we keep them in touch with the social events and meetings.
2 answers
asked by
sigma 5