This was my first time seeing RENT and I thought it was a really great movie. I
Think the acting was phenomenal. RENT is about celebrating your life and living it to the
Fullest despite having Aids. It shows you that life doesn’t just end there, with good
Good friends by your side anything is possible, it’s what makes life worth living. The
Actor who portrayed Angel did an awesome job on his performance. He seemed like a
Really loveable character, that’s what made him so unique and special. He’s that type of
Guy you want to go shopping with on the weekends. When Angel died towards the end of
The movie, it really made me think about how short life really is. We never really get the
Chances we deserve, we can’t go back in time and erase the past. It’s like you’re here one
Day and gone the next day. We often take our lives for granted and don’t realize how
Beautiful it truly is. In RENT, all the characters have a wonderful passion and desire for
Life, they haven’t let their Aids take over their life and ruin them piece by piece (except
For Meme) It seemed like she had so much potential in her life but wasted it on drugs
Which is a shame. I really felt sorry for her, I wanted her to find true love with Roger. At
First he didn’t even pay attention to her, he just avoided her. She reminded him of his
Dead girl friend actually, the reason is because of her smile. It brings back painful
Memories for him that still continue to haunt him till this day, so I can imagine why
Roger was doing this. How ever I still think he shouldn’t have done that to her, she’s an
Amazing person and deserves all the best in life. She’s gone through a lot. This story
About a group of friends living in New York during the late 1980’s is an eye opener. It
Covers everything from Love to Hate to simply friendships, memorable friendships in
Fact. Some people seem so critical about it and can’t it because they’re not open minded.
It portrays real life issues and shows us truths about our society and how it works. If
People have a hard time with not liking those who are different from them then they
shouldn’t watch this. They can’t look beyond what they initially see so for some reason
They have to bash it. Angel is the best example of someone who can take something
Really bad and turn into something really good, he’s positive and keeps on living his life
Like it should be lived. Rent makes us look at life differently and realize how thankful
We should be for it instead of taking it for granted because you never know what life
Brings you tomorrow. There’s no real promises or guarantees in life.
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