An online physics text after several editions consists of a page of erroneous facts regarding the kinetic energy theorem. These errors where discussed on this site and were resolved in the authors disfavor.
In summary He asserts
1. In kinetic energy theorem K=1/2mv^2, the 1/2 is an arbitrary constant whose value is dependent on the unit system used. Under the metric system the constant is 1/2. The metric system was used to make the kinetic energy equation more managable at
the expense of other formulas.
2. the equation cannot be derived from principle but must be experimently determined.
RESOVLED-The THEOREM is mathematically derived. The 1/2 constant is independent of units.
I emailed him and unprosumptiously pointed out the error. However, he still asserts he is correct using arguments that rely on his initial error.
I want to give up because I don't think he will listen, but it bugs me that other students will be learning incorrect information.Should I pursue it further?
9 answers
asked by
David H
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