I'm about to be a freshman at high school and though I'm not quite certain what career path I want to take, I really do want to land a good college.
I'm fairly certain I'll do well enough academically. What I feel I lack is a list of extracurricular activities. I'm not involved in anything, and the only interests I truly have are writing, web design, and graphic art (Photoshop). I don't see how those could count as extracurricular unless I make a good use of them (which I'm not sure how to do).
I was thinking of trying to get some writing published, but again, I don't see how I can realisitically do that. Where should I begin?
My family's going to India next summer - perhaps I could participate in community service there for a wider purpose - there certainly is a larger need there than here. Thoughts? Ideas?
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Primary & Secondary Education