More and more studies show that humans vary in their intelligence according to racial lines. Basically, median IQs are as follows:
1) Full-blooded African: 70
2) Full-blooded Native American: 80
3) Mixed White-African: 85
4) Mestizo White-Native Am.: 90
5) Middle Easterners: 92
6) South/South East Asians: 95
7) Europeans/Whites: 100
8) Sephardim Jews: 102
9) East Asians: 107
10) Ashkenazi Jews: 115
Further, studies show IQ and skin colour are directly related--the more melanin, the lower the IQ. See:
Wouldn't it be better to provide training to people according to their race? Thus Blacks and Natives could be trained for simple manual labour or to be soldiers, Hispanics and Mulattoes be channeled into semi-technical work and East Asians, Whites and Jews given charge of the sciences and engineering?
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Higher Education (University +)