I was turning left on a straight green light at an intersection. I couldn't see any cars going the other way because there were cars in the turn lane on the opposite side blocking my view. So I turned left and then all of a sudden, a car is in front of me and I swerve to avoid it on my bike, but I hit it anyway. The other person driving had the right of way. I dented her car and there were a few scratches. My bike's front wheel was completely mangled and I need to replace the frame. Who pays for her car? Do I? I have no insurance at all. I was riding a bike. Does her insurance pay for everything, or do I have to pay? I know that in Washington, even if it was the biker's fault, the person who is driving the car's insurance company pays. What is the policy in California? (Remember: I'm riding a bike. She is driving a car. She could have easily squashed me and killed me. 3000 lbs to 100-200 lbs.?) Professional opinion would be great!
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