I got a job within the place where i work at, which i had recieved a dollar paycut, but better hours. within that time my car took a dump on me, and costed 1500.00 to fix, since then i havent been able to recover, finacially.Then i got this hairbrained idea, to have all of my bills deducted from my checking account, BAD IDEA! when your clueless, as to when all the bills are comming out of your account!(my fault i'm bad at that) My heart was there, but the money wasn't. since then i have no room to move, or buy gas, or buy scotch tape, or anything for that matter. i have commenced to sell my furniture on ebay, so now( after the new year ~ i have nothing to sit on, but you gota do what you gota do! right?)(still waiting on check so the new owner, can pick up the furniture)so short of stopping writing checks altogether, so my account will balence out, but i gota pay rent, and feed my son what do i do? my chk. was just deposited today and its gone! have already done a fresh startwithbank
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