Try offering to pay only the interest on the loan until you are able to pay the full amount. The only option they have is to file a law suit to try and recover the amount owed and expenses. Depending on the amount of the loan, they will probably only continue to hassle you until you pay the full mount.
2006-12-14 03:38:28
answer #1
answered by alhambra 1
You are legally required to pay!
Things they can do to you:
1. Charge you a ton of fees
2. Garnish your wages (take you money before you get you check)
3. Sue you for the loan and fees.
Things you can do:
1. Pay them.
2. Call parents, grandparents to bail you out.
3. Look in phone book for lawyers that will represent low income folks.
4. Sell everything you own to pay them.
5. File for bankruptcy! (very bad)
* Never use them again: The interest rates are very high!
2006-12-14 03:22:02
answer #2
answered by compgeekdotcom 2
Remember all those papers you signed. Well they will have you arrested and sue you. And you will have to pay what you owe now also the court costs and there lawyer fees. I would come up with the money fast. These places do not play around.
2006-12-14 03:18:36
answer #3
answered by bill a 5
In reality all they want is to be paid. If you cant pay now, just tell them and I'm sure they will be willing to set up a payment schedule.
2006-12-14 03:17:42
answer #4
answered by Clinton W 2
Not worth ruining your credit, just pay it on your next check - even if it's late. Don't play that game, it's sooooooooooooo not worth it.
2006-12-14 03:17:03
answer #5
answered by LittleFreedom 5
That will go on your credit and they can take you to court for that. If I were you, I would make some kind of payment arrangements.
2006-12-14 03:18:06
answer #6
answered by DawnC36 2
don't worry sooner or later they will get you to pay there are many things they can do like garnish your wages or take your income taxes it would be wise to pay it
2006-12-14 03:19:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
theyll get you just pay it
2006-12-14 03:11:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous