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Skin & Body - July 2007

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Other - Skin & Body · Tattoos

So, this is kind of gross but I'd like to see if anyone else has dealt w/ this. The pores on my nose constantly get clogged with white gunk. They don't form pimples or black heads or white heads. If anything, it just makes my pores look large. I was watching Queer Eye one night & one of the guys referred to it as pore congestion & told that week's project to simply use his fingers and press all the gunk out . I had been doing this on my own for years. I use non-comedogenic face wash. I've even tried using proactiv (even though I don't have acne, I don't even get pimples on a regular basis) thinking maybe it would help. I've used 'pore shrinking' masks hoping that would keep them from getting clogged again but nothing seems to stop my pores from filling up within a few days to a week after I've squeezed them clean. It just seems to me that constantly having to squeeze and scrape at your skin can't be good in the long run. Does anyone know a way to put an end to this???

2007-07-16 08:00:14 · 8 answers · asked by Angela 1 in Other - Skin & Body

2007-07-16 07:57:35 · 35 answers · asked by freebabes 1 in Other - Skin & Body

does anyone know if you can have a tattoo placed over a scar left by a T.B jab on my top arm

2007-07-16 03:56:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Tattoos

I just had mine done yesterday, and they haven't put in the barbell yet. But when I cleaned it yesterday it stung a tad bit, not much, barely infact, and today it doesn't hurt at all.
On the paper they piercer gave me it said if it stings it means its cleaning ..? I'm taking a Q tip, and cleaning around the holes with Spectro Jel, and then I turn it so it gets in. Is this wrong to do?

2007-07-16 03:39:19 · 4 answers · asked by dviogvdc 1 in Other - Skin & Body

im so shock when so many pimples came out on my face.before,only one or two pimple will came out then it will gone soon.but now,its getting more and more.i really dont know why?im already using proactive but it seems like nothing is happening.

2007-07-16 02:59:45 · 5 answers · asked by angelique faye 1 in Other - Skin & Body

I have Proactiv and it doesnt work that well for me. School starts soon and I want my face to be beautiful. My mom will not take me to a dermotologist so what stuff can i buy at a drugstore that will claer up my skin?

2007-07-16 02:52:16 · 4 answers · asked by bffs789562 4 in Other - Skin & Body

I got a tattoo yesterday on the top of my foot that extends alittle bit above my ankle. So I know all the aftercare procedures. But now I'm at work (I'm on my feet alot)--before I came to work I cleaned it and wrapped plastic wrap around it and put my sock over it and put my work shoes on. The problem is, my work shoes kinda make my feet sweat (gross I kno), so should I just leave the plastic wrap on? Is it okay if I leave it on or what do you suggest? I work at a hospital so its not possible for me to wear flip flops or sandals like i can when im not here. ((i never thought to ask my tattoo artist this lol))

2007-07-15 19:39:42 · 10 answers · asked by queenB 2 in Tattoos

I want to get a tattoo on my ankle on my birthday, the 17th, I am then flying to australia on the 21st. I really want to get it done but am concerned about my feet or ankles swelling on the plane and if this will effect the tattoo. I know i could wait but i really want to get it done. Anyone have any answers?

2007-07-15 19:24:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Tattoos

Do you think a 13 year old girl should get a navel piercing????????????
because my grandmother will take me and my parents are okay with it but some people say its slutty and stuff so what do u think????????

2007-07-15 18:38:08 · 19 answers · asked by -RockAngel- 1 in Other - Skin & Body

I have undiagnosed PCOS and am in the process of trying to get to the bottom of my issues. I used to have perfect, flawless skin but have in the past year or two become plagued with hormone induced acne. From your experience, what skin products should I use that will not be harsh on my sensitive skin and can help this issue? I know the bottom line is the get the hormones under control, but what can I do for my skin?

2007-07-15 17:47:49 · 2 answers · asked by ecstaticdevine 4 in Other - Skin & Body

If had my ears pierced for at least 6 months. but sometimes when i take out earring ive had in for a long time sometimes they have pus or they hurt really bad. This is the second hole so maybe thats why. im only 14 so maybe its because my ears not big enough yet for two piercings

2007-07-15 15:41:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

im white and have very very curly hair but no one in my family or that i even know has curly hair and the only way i can wear it that it acyually looks good is in a ponytail and i want to be able to wear it down when i go bask to school so i anyone know how i can tame it and get rid of the frizz and any hairstyles???? thanks so nuch

2007-07-15 15:34:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

i NEED to get some recipes for skin creams, lotions, soaps, and lip balm. with glycerin and goat milk

2007-07-15 15:33:05 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

not mask, sorry. i have under eye bags and dark circles, do i boil the potatoes or just cut them into slices and put them on?

2007-07-15 15:31:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

I've been a gamer since I was young (dad raised me on Atari lol). I love the Final Fantasy series....I don't know if it sounds like a cliche tattoo, but I'd really like it.....even have nickname Rinoa...thanks!

2007-07-15 13:46:46 · 5 answers · asked by Violet 2 in Tattoos

2007-07-15 13:34:59 · 7 answers · asked by devilprincess428 1 in Tattoos

- How long does it last?
-Does it work well?
-Is it worth it?

2007-07-15 12:30:26 · 2 answers · asked by Caitlin S. 3 in Other - Skin & Body

Obviously if I'm asking I'm a beginner, but I need to know the best method for setting up a tattoo gun to be a shader instead of a liner.

2007-07-15 12:11:53 · 8 answers · asked by D@ R-ti$t 2 in Tattoos

What should I do? Please advise.?
I am a 22 year old south indian Brahmin girl ( house wife)residing in India,married 2 years ago.My husband has been insisting that I get my both nostrils pierced and wear nose studs permanently. Should I agree to his request.?

2007-07-15 12:10:16 · 32 answers · asked by walters 2 in Tattoos

2007-07-15 12:06:17 · 18 answers · asked by tampabay5400 1 in Tattoos

does anyone know if it works?
i was thinking about getting sum as a b-day present.


2007-07-15 12:03:51 · 2 answers · asked by FL๑Яida GЯL ♥♥♥ 4 in Tattoos

I had my tounge pierced for a few months about a year ago, had to take it out for a job, and now i want to get it re-done and im wondering if it is safe to do so. Thanks :)

2007-07-15 11:56:13 · 9 answers · asked by Kristina M 2 in Tattoos

2007-07-15 11:15:52 · 8 answers · asked by kilo27 2 in Tattoos

I have a few tattoos; family wasn't at first glad that I had gotten them. They seemed to feel that they were unnessecary and that "I didn't need them."

Now; people don't need to dye or lighten their hair, they don't need to wear ugly toupees or inject things into their head to make hair grow, they don't need to get plastic surgery to enlarge their breasts or shrink their butts...

Compared to all of this why are tattoos still seen negatively as compared to other cosmetic and "unnessecary" body mods?

2007-07-15 10:20:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

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