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Beauty & Style - 5 August 2007

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Fashion & Accessories · Hair · Makeup · Other - Beauty & Style · Skin & Body

You know like when u were a kid you could make your own perfumes n that? Well apparently you can make your own lipgloss using a similar method.. has anyone heard of this, n if so how can you do this?

2007-08-05 03:45:11 · 7 answers · asked by biggirlsdontcry-xxx 1 in Makeup

I live in Egypt where the weather is really warm and very hot specially in summer, and my skin is white...but recently I stayed in the sun for a long time, that made my face tan or black..and there are dark spots in my skin..that is really ugly...cuz all my body is white but my face and neck and arms are so dark and not good ....I wish to be white as before...some friends advised to wash alot and some advised to drink milk and some said stay out of the sun..but that hasn't worked for 1 month till now..all trials were in vain..I live in Egypt and don't advise me to buy something from the market..cuz all beauty productions that you buy from America aren't available here...i just wanna know..will i be the same white as before? i look like an indian or african..and that is not good to me..i just need help,real help...more information would really help..and after how many monthes i will be white as before? and what am i to do now? and is there any thing would help??????

2007-08-05 03:38:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

Is that a bad idea? My parents say I can and I'm good with pain. I want a little music note on my shoulder, which is not something I will ever regret.But will it like stretch out as I grow or something freaky? HELP

2007-08-05 03:34:00 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Tattoos

Okay so I might be getting it done in a month or so. My question is how much does it hurt? Ive heard that it doesnt hurt much that its just a little pinch. Ive also heard that its the piercing that hurts the least out of everything. Are these true? Any advice? Thanks!

Oh and if you are against eyebrow piercings or are going to say anything rude just dont bother..

2007-08-05 03:27:37 · 11 answers · asked by just me.. 1 in Tattoos

Im gettin a tat in about 2 months, ive got my ears, tragus, belly and tongue pierced?

What would hurt more, one of my piercings or a tat?

Im thinking tat but i was hoping someone could give an 100% true accurate answer because they have both done

2007-08-05 03:18:08 · 8 answers · asked by raggy91 1 in Tattoos


2007-08-05 02:42:55 · 16 answers · asked by alaa a 1 in Fashion & Accessories

I have been facing dandruff problem for so many years and frankly speaking I didn't do anything to control it and few years back my hair falling also started severely. Now I'm alert to do something, I've just used Clinic All Clear - Active Sport (Anti Dandruff Shampoo just 3 times may be it doing something in my hairs).

There is also a new shampoo came in the market named:

Clinic All Clear - Hair Fall Defence (also controls dandruff)

Is it really works ? Does anyone used it and suggests to use it.

I heartily thankful for your consideration, please suggest me such a working solution :)


2007-08-05 02:36:36 · 16 answers · asked by Jimmy Chadha 1 in Hair


2007-08-05 02:33:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

If it just my observation or do you people also think that gals who wear fashion belts tend to be prettier/more attractive? Maybe they make more effort in dressing and are slimmer?

2007-08-05 02:32:38 · 6 answers · asked by widebelts 3 in Fashion & Accessories

I have thick shoulder length hair and two layers. My bangs are getting pretty long. I was thinking of getting more layers and about an inch offf in the length. Tell me what you think... is that a goos idea or what do you think i should do?

2007-08-05 02:28:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

Every store that I go into always says, "Well, that's a hard one, we'll see what we can do."

Why is it so hard to find?

2007-08-05 02:26:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

please what do i do to get rid of it, i feel so ashamed that i can't even raise my hand in public, i really need to get rid of it so that i can be bold any where.

2007-08-05 02:25:38 · 20 answers · asked by africa queen 1 in Other - Skin & Body

Pageants,reality shows,contests.....

2007-08-05 02:20:26 · 11 answers · asked by Father Da'Vinci 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

I'd like to be a fabulous shoe artisan, where celebs would be knocking my walls down trying to get my designs, LOL! Just a dream...

2007-08-05 02:11:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

Ok, so I have no friends or anyone to advice me on whether I look like a **** in certain clothing, so I have to go by my own judgement - which is not the best judgement in the world.

I brought some grey skinny jeans from H&M, problem is, I'm struggleing to work out whether I look a tit or not. Any advice on judging that? I'm biased, coz taking them back would be an hassle, but I'm not entirely sure.

Wtf even goes with grey skinny jeans, lighter shirt/darker shirt? I'm really not sure.

Black jeans are much easier, lol.

A lot of people seem to be able to just tell whether something suits them or not, but I guess they've just go their friends telling them whether or not they look stupid.

2007-08-05 02:08:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

the one where you put yogurt and honey..

2007-08-05 02:02:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style


or do you thing i should wear somthing more colorful for one of my co workers wedding

2007-08-05 02:00:43 · 12 answers · asked by Harren 3 in Fashion & Accessories

hi! i know its is very stupid to post these type of questions on here, but i guess you guys not knowing me have no reason to lie to me and say things just to make me feel better! (the very thin pics of me, are the oldest, they are not recent!)
i seriously have been going through some crappy times and hating the way i look, i just can not face to look at myself in the mirror! my use to be a spanish model and she is very pretty and she has always said that i am pretty and always made sure that i "loked good" etc, but now as have grown older, i just seriously hate the way i look!!
please give me an honest opinion, what do you would make me prettier, how would you see me better looking?
i am sorry this question is a bit silly!
thank you for answering :-D


2007-08-05 01:37:44 · 9 answers · asked by amva 2 in Other - Beauty & Style


2007-08-05 01:37:37 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

Is electrolysis useful for removing hair permanently and is it expensive? I don't think I have the pain threshold for having hot wax applied. I wish I never had to shave again!
I'd like to get rid of body hair once and for all.

2007-08-05 00:54:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

2007-08-05 00:34:38 · 7 answers · asked by i love wezzy 2 in Other - Beauty & Style

My hair is natural, no chemicals, colouring etc

I have had my hairstyle the same way for about a month (obviously re-touching)

I took my hair out today and as I was running the comb through it and there were quiet a few strands that came out.

There are no bald patches, my hair seems alot thicker now though, I am assuming that it is new hair combing through.

Should I be concerned?

2007-08-05 00:22:48 · 11 answers · asked by Rebz 5 in Hair

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