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Beauty & Style - 29 July 2007

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Fashion & Accessories · Hair · Makeup · Other - Beauty & Style · Skin & Body

2007-07-29 13:31:26 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

I'm an 8th grader and I don't know what to wear to school on the first day of school. I don't want it to be really Fancy just plain(normal). And nothing to Girly!!But it has to be something Appropriate for school!!


2007-07-29 13:29:55 · 26 answers · asked by beach_bum_xo1o 1 in Fashion & Accessories

im thinking about getting my lip pierced and i wanted to know
how bad is the pain?
or is there any at all :D

2007-07-29 13:11:13 · 10 answers · asked by no_one_knows 1 in Other - Skin & Body

I've googled it, but found no results. where can you get it online?

2007-07-29 12:52:13 · 7 answers · asked by dance_in_the_rain_x3 1 in Hair

all right.
you know sleeves.?
tattoos all up the arms.
well what is it when you have tattoos all up your legs.
is it pants?
or just. tattoos on your legs.

2007-07-29 12:26:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Tattoos

through the day i can never keep all of my make up on!!! any suggestions??

2007-07-29 12:16:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Makeup

neutral, cool, or warm?
i want to buy some new makeup and maybe dye my hair...
can someone help me?
you can find some pics of me here http://lindsaylinds.myphotoalbum.com
thank you so much

2007-07-29 11:33:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Makeup

I got a tat last night & I'm doing everything I'm supposed to but it's so sore & hurting.. anything I can do without ruining it?

2007-07-29 11:03:41 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Tattoos

which one do you prefer?

2007-07-29 10:50:43 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Makeup

How do you stop skin peeling beside your nails?
Heal it or prevent it????
Is there any creams or should i change my diet slightly??
They are becoming a real nuicence now

2007-07-29 10:49:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

I would like to know how much i can use as soon as posible!

2007-07-29 10:42:35 · 7 answers · asked by hottie4shaw 1 in Hair

Ok, heres the deal: Suddenly, everywhere I go, I get guys trying to get my attention. It's so annoying! If I'm on my bike, or walking, or whatever, they beep car horns, yell (How you doin'? Or 'Hey baby!), rev car/motercycles so I'll look, they wave, or other annoying things. I don't get it!

I'm only 13, I don't have big boobs or a big butt, I'm not even pretty, and I don't look super-mature for my age! What the heck?!? I normally just keep going and keep my head up, but apparently it's not working! I don't wear skanky clothes, or give them any reason to do this stuff! I've started carrying pepperspray and a whistle, but it's so annoying, because they never even get close enough for me to kick them in the balls.

What do I do!?!?

By the way, I don't want to act gross or call back or anything, I just want it to stop.

If any of you guys that do this are reading this, please stop! It's really creepy.

2007-07-29 10:39:30 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

I turned 20 a few months ago and I have always had straight hair. I love it when I curl it but it never really last and it takes forever for me to curl it. I want something that will last. Should I get a perm?

2007-07-29 10:34:48 · 11 answers · asked by Jess 1 in Hair

i've been told that guys can and should have their eyebrows waxed, expecially me because i have real bushy ones. lately ive experimenting with using hair clippers to shorten the hair but not shape them. my question is if i have my eyebrows waxed how much will it cost, would it be worth it, and was is an inexpensive way to upkeep it?

2007-07-29 10:32:43 · 3 answers · asked by ISOBESTANSWERS 2 in Hair

I have realy dark brown hair,light skin,and hazel eyes.

2007-07-29 10:26:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

Is there any laws about where on their body a minor can get a tattoo?

2007-07-29 10:04:56 · 3 answers · asked by fightfor_tomorrow 4 in Tattoos

This question is for all women on here who wear high heels. IMmgine you are wearing strappy sandals or whatever and it's NOT easy to just kick them off. An emergency happens. Can you move fast in your heels? Do you die because you can't? Or do you have to stop, sit down, take off your shoes, then get up again (and probably die because that takes time)? Or would you get a man to carry you?

Be honest, because I see tons of girls who have no clue how to run in heels.

2007-07-29 09:59:30 · 21 answers · asked by Lisa 2 in Fashion & Accessories

please no stupid answers...and to thoses who take this seriously i thank you!

2007-07-29 09:56:00 · 17 answers · asked by smileymiley145 1 in Other - Beauty & Style


anyone no any good simple hairstyles.? and websites with how to do the hairstyles? pictures will help! ( im african-american by the way)

2007-07-29 09:55:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

I'm using two different prescribed creams that my doctor told me to use, and it seems to make the acne clear up a bit. However, I stil break out, and because my face is oily, the blemishes caused by the pimples last a long time. I tried so many over-the-counter cleansers and such, but to be honest, nothing works. I hear that cucumber and lemon juice is a good way to fight oil, and steaming your face will help clear the pores. Is this true, and what are some other easy ways to help fight acne and oil, something preferrably that can be done at home?

2007-07-29 09:49:41 · 4 answers · asked by Sapphire Owl 4 in Other - Skin & Body

something inspirational..

dont comment if you're gonna say something gay like "why get a tattoo"

2007-07-29 09:26:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Tattoos

I am wanting to get a tattoo across each of my wrists and I am just wondering if this is safe or not? It concerns me a little with the veins being directly under my wrist and near the surface and the possibility (I don't if it could happen or not) of ink getting into my bloodstream. Does anyone have an answer or experience with wrist tattoos? Thank you.

2007-07-29 09:03:04 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Tattoos

My red hair is the same color like Isla Fisher or Molly Ringwald...how would black highlights look?

If it looks good, should I do black highlights all over or just color my bangs black? or both?

my red hair is natural by the way...doesnt look fake

if that helps your desicion...

2007-07-29 08:51:06 · 12 answers · asked by Stephanie C 1 in Hair

I have shoulderlength hair I can't cut or dye it!!

2007-07-29 08:40:35 · 7 answers · asked by MaddieCole 2 in Hair

Which is the best stuff to use, bedhead, etc, etc...

2007-07-29 08:18:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

(This is my first post)

I was reading up on some hair treatments the other day, and noticed that olive oil was mentioned a lot of times. So, after reading these, I decided to try it myself. I bought a bottle of extra virgin olive oil, massaged it into my hair (while it was dry), combed it through, put a shower cap on my head and waited about 10 minutes. I then took the shower cap off and washed out the oil under the shower, while shampooing it, in order to get all of the oil out. Once I finished doing that, I got out of the shower, sprayed heat-protection spray on my hair, dried my hair as much as I could with a towel, and used a hair-dryer to properly dry it.

There was one problem... I couldn't notice any difference! My hair was still as shiny as it usually was, it didn't feel any smoother... Did I do anything wrong? Can somebody explain to me the best way to do it?


2007-07-29 08:08:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

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