Since knowledge is the following...
And words are>
Verbal symbols created from atomic combustion of larynx vibration...
Then in reality if I were to define anything it would just be a word, or a pattern of sound waves, postioned in a certain way.
For example, the object Ball Point Pen, can also be
BOLIGRAFO in spanish.
There is no direct knowledge of the object other then comparsion.
"A" could = Feet,
and now I stand on my A all day.
Therefore the origin of all knowledge, is not of words, but of comparing matter.
Point being, is that the word God, has no obtainable knowledge out of the Bible.
Meaning Gdd is only the Bible.
There is no way to make knowledge of a being that can not be experienced in this world. And anything happening with in the world (universe) is not God, for the knowledge of God would have to differ fromt he knowledge of the world.
Anything happening with in the world would not be of God, but of the world.
Any logic in my theory?
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