For as long as we can remember (lol, not long at all in the grand scheme of time), we have been alive.
As far as we know, we are not dead.
We have never felt like we were unborn.
Therefore, wouldn't others born in times past and times after us, feel the same way?
So to people who are dead to us, to them they are alive;
And to people, from our perspective, who have not been born, have always existed, from their perspective.
So, are we:
A. Dead
B. Alive
C. All of the Above
D. None of the above
Please explain
Could it be that time is a man made function and is improper to use in the calculation of life or death?
Are we already dead, and we will realize it once we retrace our lives to our physical death (after all, our lives are short, 100 years, in comparison to how long the earth has been here, 1 billion years; that's like 1 second in over 31 years!!!)?
Or some other reason?
P.S. This is not an issue of pre-destination.
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