What does the phase spatial reference mean?
Taking the nation-state as our point of spatial reference, we can differentiate not only between historiographies on a sub-national level like villages and cities, but unites on a supra national level. applied to concrete form of historiography, however, we confront at least three kinds of problems that complicate this scheme, the first of which, the ideological load of some spatial concepts, was put on the agenda by Edward Said's analysis of the notion of the " Orient". Said has shown that though most spatial concepts initially appear quite neutral and innocent, they often carry important ideological and political implications. Like"the Orient", the notion of " the primitive", " the savage" and the " barbarian" have fulfilled similar ideological functions in the colonial encounter, because--like" the Orient"-----they were used as the justification fo the domination of" the primitive" by its supposed opposite: the "civilized" part of the wor
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