Title: Madman!
This is the story of Larry Garnes,28, a brain surgent who suffers a freaky car accident, the result of the accident did some damage to his brain, meaning it made him crazy.
Larry is married with a daughter of 6 yeras of age
his wife Gabriella,25, is a psychologist who dated larry since high school.
Larry was living an almost perfect life, with family and a high paying job, until the accident.
Due to the accident larry became a crazied monster, he had the mind of a criminal an assassin, his wife and daughter not even his freinds knew about, lsince the accident larry has lived a double life, larry the normal, husband, friend and fatther while the ohter larry was a monster who stole money, robbed cars, beat up people.
An officer Evan Jones one of larrys best friend foound out about the mysterious madman, he and his police force were on the trail, when they found out it s was larry they were in great schock, they tried to help him but there was no other way.
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garnes d