Think about it, your just flesh, a gelatin like structure that simply relays electric signals, life is just an illusion, you only think you're alive because you can remember what you did 2 seconds ago, and you can calculate what your going to do in 2 seconds time.
All your emotions are simply chemicals fusing in this big mass of flesh, happiness is just an emotion, fear is just an emotion, and you should be afraid,because all it takes is 1 little thing to go wrong, and you will simply cease to be, you will no longer remember what happened 2 seconds ago, and you will no longer be able to do anything in 2 seconds time, and thats all life is folks, you couldn't do that before you were born, and you wont be able to do that after you die...does this scare you? does it scare you so much you wish it wasn't true? does it scare you so much that you refuse to believe its true and hide behind religion? now ask yourself this, whats relay the scary thing, life? or death?
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