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All categories - 9 July 2007

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This is a favorite strawman argument used by those who hate those who defend the sanctity of innocent unborn human life.

2007-07-09 16:52:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

These just showed up in our computer room out of nowhere. They are very small bugs, wingless, andvery pale tan in color, almost transparent. They don't fly but I swear they just magically appear out of thin air! They don't bite or sting but I've felt one or two on me and they're very annoying. Most of them seem to show up on the computer monitor. Maybe they're drawn to the heat. We live in Michigan and it's been warm and humid the past few days. I'm wondering if something hatched or somethig, but we've never had these in our house before. There aren't like swarms of them or anything, but you kill one and a few minutes later another one appears. They seem harmless but annoying. Does anyone know what they are? They are very light brown, almost transparent, and small, smaller than an ant. Short legs and tiny roundish body. Any help appreciated!

2007-07-09 16:52:31 · 2 answers · asked by lillith6662000 3 in Other - Home & Garden

This afternoon I had a cavity filled near the front of my mouth.. and now a small area above the filling (on the gum) is black/brown-ish.

I know it was a composite filling (whatever that means?) I tried brushing my teeth, flossing, rinsing.

Will this ugly looking spot go away soon?! Should I call my dentist?

I don't want to smile now.. =(

2007-07-09 16:52:20 · 3 answers · asked by cage_fighter_09 1 in Dental

Dirt Roads

The hot muggy air was hard to walk through, as we trudged along those long vacant roads. Beads of sweat trickled down my back, giving me chills even though the warmth was suffocating. We had been out here for hours, and yet we had found no one to help us, no one to lead us in the right direction. We couldn’t find the exit to these escapeless woods. We were trapped inside, being held captive by these nameless voices, contained by its depths.

Exhaustion began to seep into my bones, like a silent disease, slowly eating away my strength. I longed for something to quench my deep thirst, to fill my hunger. We just kept trudging along, hoping for the trees to end, wishing these woods would just spit us out of its belly. The sand just kept sucking us down, making our travels much harder. Insects buzzed around our heads like demonic imps, trying to defeat us with their numbers.

Being lost causes your naked soul to show itself, whether that is strength, confidence, or complete weakness. If it is the latter, God be with you. For when the only thing you can dig for in your spirit is fear and weakness, then you are in trouble. You begin to panic; all the worse possible outcomes surface themselves in your minds eye. You begin to cry out in desperation, Releasing all common sense or instinct. You then wish to just sit down and quit, not wanting to continue your journey through these endless paths. You are content to just give in to the fear inside of you, letting it consume you from the inside out. Leaving you just an empty shell, void of feelings, thoughts, or concern. Your companions are then forced to leave you behind, for you can only hinder the progress of the group. You can only pray for the strength to go on.

There is a strange laughter coming from the hordes of trees that surround you. Scoffing at your hopeless predicament. Birds’ bound from limb to limb snickering and whispering as they watch you slowly pass. I feel as if I am being followed by an unseen shadow. Always just out of sight, darting behind a tree. It may just be my fears, taking form, causing paranoia in the back of my mind. Fear slows you; it causes you to over think situations. Fear makes your mind wander from where it is needed.

2007-07-09 16:52:09 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Destinations

Sometimes my older sister gets on my nerves with little things that she does and it pisses me the hell off sometimes. When i confront her about it she gets a damn attitude about. So how can i let her know without us trying to kick eachother's ***?

2007-07-09 16:51:44 · 2 answers · asked by flower_power 2 in Family

I asked here, if this sentence is right; It's time to get ready for your clothes.
Actually, I'm a Korean high shool student, and I've been America for an year. The sentence was on my english test. I'm in 11th grade here.
This is the situation. A girl was cast for a drama, and her manger said, " I think it's time to get ready for your clothes."
Is the sentence gramatically right? I asked if it is wrong, but my teacher said nothing wrong with this. I told him that I asked several native Eglish speakers, but he said they were not professors and stufffff
I, actually don't know exactly, but when I was taking the test, I thought the meaning is not something like preparing some clothes.
can anybody answer my Q?

2007-07-09 16:51:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Words & Wordplay


boobs or butt???
what do you prefer?

2007-07-09 16:51:23 · 34 answers · asked by scarletbegonias 3 in Polls & Surveys

2007-07-09 16:51:10 · 73 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys


2007-07-09 16:50:37 · 5 answers · asked by C 1 in Cooking & Recipes

Who's better? I think werewolves are way cooler but that's just me. Who do you think is cooler or has the better powers? WEREWOLVES!!! definitely for me. Plus werewolves are wild and exciting.

2007-07-09 16:50:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

sciences, they are thought not to accept without evidence any ideas or priciples presented in the classroom, it is on this basis that one needs to examine the evidences to see, is there really a God? an article appeared in the washington post a few years ago that revealed that the expansion of the universe has created a headache for the big bang theorist,the big bang theory is a hypothesis that suggest that there was a huge explosion of matter about 10 billion years ago, the proponents of this theory continue to state that the cosmos as we see it today is a result of that explosion and that the universe has cycled (explosion, expansion, gravitational contractio, explosion, etc.) for eons, the problem is best stated by the article itself: "in the past 30 years, astronomers have been able to account in the stars and galaxies they see for only 3% of the mass or matter that would have had to be present at the time of creation to explain the size of the universe and the way it seems to be..

2007-07-09 16:50:23 · 4 answers · asked by didnotknow123 2 in Astronomy & Space

2007-07-09 16:50:11 · 9 answers · asked by I am T-bag's b itch 6 in Polls & Surveys


We're going to Las Vegas at the end of August. And I was wondering if theres anything for teens to do. My mom keeps telling me theres a lot to do but all I know that Vegas is famous for is casinos and strip clubs. By the way I'm 15. By boyfriend whos 17 is supposed to go with us but he keeps backing out because he says hes gonna be bored the whole time. Is this true?

2007-07-09 16:50:11 · 14 answers · asked by krista h 1 in Las Vegas

But then, spoke to man through Jesus?...And now; He speaks to us through His Word.....And one day...when THIS life is over.....We're going to "know" Him as He is.....In all of His glory.

Today we can know Him through His Word preserved for us in the scriptures.
(To him who has an ear, let him hear)

"God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Hath in these last days spoken unto us by [his] Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
Who being the brightness of [his] glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;"
Hebrews 1:1-3

2007-07-09 16:50:04 · 12 answers · asked by JayDee 2 in Religion & Spirituality

He spent his entire time as Bill Clinton's vice-president attending the coronation of the grand prince of Upper Bophuthatswana and other "important" events. He obviously didn't get enough when he lost the Florida re-count in 2000 (and if you don't think he lost, just ask the New York Times, CNN, the Washington Post and the University of Pennsylvania...who all did their own investigations and they all came to the same conclusion: Bush won the re-count.)

But now, Al Gore is getting all the love (and money) that he never could get before. Hollywood loves him, the DNC no longer looks at him as a loser, and he's moments away from being crowned "The Green Jesus."
So, will he risk losing all this love by running for President in '08?

2007-07-09 16:49:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

theyre special tonight...

2007-07-09 16:49:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-07-09 16:48:50 · 14 answers · asked by ♥♥xoxo♥♥kp 1 in Polls & Surveys

I know that it annoys me a little, lol.

2007-07-09 16:48:11 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-07-09 16:47:46 · 8 answers · asked by Still*Perfect 4 in Polls & Surveys

My pit had complications after having the puppies, there was a blockage in one of her nipples (I think it was bacterial or something). We gave her meds and had to fed the pups without her help. We sold the puppies shortly after that, however her nipples still have not gone back to normal. Is this normal?? I really am not sure. If not what do I need to do? People stop us and ask where her babies are, so it makes me think that it is not normal. Please help.

2007-07-09 16:47:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs


2007-07-09 16:47:17 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I found out my husband kept old love letters, photos (some are nudes) and momentos in a sealed box marked "personal" in the very back of our closet. These items are of good times spent with his gorgeous ex-girlfriend. The girlfriend broke his heart into a million pieces and she royally screwed him over for an entire year while he kept forgiving her over and over again for all of the lies and cheating. He finally broke up with her 2 years ago. I thought he was over her. We've been married for for 1 1/2 years.

He sees nothing wrong with this at all! He says he does not open the box and can't seem to give me a good reason why he keeps this box in our closet. He won't get rid of the box. He does not keep nude photos and love letters of his many other ex-girlfriends, only her.

Am I over reacting? Should I be concerned about this? What would you do?

2007-07-09 16:47:13 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous Joe 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-07-09 16:47:08 · 24 answers · asked by berryflvr 2 in Weddings


2007-07-09 16:46:59 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-07-09 16:46:51 · 8 answers · asked by Ben M 1 in Ford

We have a 9 week old puppy and all he wants to do is bite everything! We have got him toys and things to play with but he keeps biting me and his bite is getting pretty hard! He is still quite young so training him isn't the easiest either.... please someone tell me that he will stop doing this!

2007-07-09 16:46:36 · 12 answers · asked by Emma M 2 in Dogs

I like the name Aayla for a girl but dont know what to come up with for a middle name( I think Im having a boy though, instincts tell me so) but I will find out at the doctors soon. Yay!

2007-07-09 16:46:15 · 24 answers · asked by cninaz 2 in Baby Names

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