- It's a sin and against God (And that funny cliché: It's Adam & Eve, not Steve). At least 67% of people on this earth do not believe in Christianity.
- It's against nature:
Many animals reveal homosexual & bisexual behaviors. Some animals are exclusively homosexual:
- It spreads STDs & homosexuals have higher risks of AIDS:
Wrong again. Statically speaking, most AIDS cases are among HETEROSEXUAL African-American females. It's all about playing it safely, not the sexual orientation.
- Marriage is meant to produce children:
So that means marriage should be banned on these also:
Infertile couples, those who decided not to have kids, senior citizens
- Gay parents aren't good parents, and they'll turn their sons/daughters gay.
Parenting means providing
love, a good shelter, food & education, and guidance. No one can turn anyone gay. My folks
are heterosexuals, extremely dislike gay people, they never abused me physically or verbally, and I wasn't sexually abused by anyone. And I'm gay: I liked men as far as I can remember, I NEVER had any attraction whatsoever towards females.
- "What if the whole world 'turned' gay? We'll die out"
This gotta be the silliest one. First of all you can't turn anyone gay or straight. It's just not possible to suddenly cease to like the opposite sex and like the same sex. Second If I asked the same exact question, but replaced "gay" with "straight", it'll also be bad for humanity. Much more babies: Less sources for people, more kids thrown in orphanages,
more over-population which will certainly lead to more wars (Fighting for sources, for example) and more deaths will take place. See? It's quite a weak argument.
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Religion & Spirituality