im sort of suspecting ick!
few days earlier, my fish were twitching and had clamped fins.
i cleaned the tank normally as i would.
this morning they were clamped.
i thought my fish are doing better then right now from the looks of their dorsal fin there are tiny white salt specks, but only on the fins, its not very visible but i thik i see them. is it ick for sure? and whats the best ttreatment?
and if its not ick and they are helthy is it still okay to use medication (just to be sure)?
will they be harmed? i
do not want my beloved fish to die!! will they die is there any chance??? pleasee hlepp`!
i just read that ick is only from other fish!
i think my new fish had ick ! it was from the carnival!
sigh, anyways what can i do ?
please do the step by step stuff ( how to wash tank, how to put medication,)
and wi the fish survive i got the new fish on april 27
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