I speak from personal experience. My older brother started his first tour last August. We know people who have been there twice & are now preparing for a 3rd tour in Iraq.
The military is stretched thin & its UNFAIR that just a few have to go again & again.
My brother was wounded by an IED in late October. I went to see him in Germany during part of his 6 week recovery. He had over 150 stitches in his shoulder, neck jaw & cheek. His jawbone was broken. They call this a minor injury.
Every day my brother goes to "work". Except when he was hospitalized, he has "worked" every day. YOU get weekends off. YOU get holidays and vacation. He gets NOTHING!
Democrats want a NON-BINDING agreement that the war has to end at some point. If things change, the agreement can change. It is NOT surrender or a withdrawal date. Bush's veto is a slap in the face to every soldier & their family involved in this war. What a way to live. Every time the phone rings, my Mom thinks it's more bad news. Sickening.
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