According to Discovery channel's "Noah's Ark: The True Story", there was indeed a large flood about 5000 years ago. Adding this period to Biblical timelines, I get the age of humankind (NOT the Earth) as being around 6600 years.
Here is the timeline:
Adamwas 130 when he fathered Seth, then lived 800 years more and died @ 930
Seth was 105 when he fathered Enosh, then lived 807 years more and died @ 912
Enosh was 90 when he fathered Kenan, then lived 815 years more and died @ 905
Kenan was 70 when he fathered Mahalalel, then lived 840 years more and died @ 910
Mahalalel was 65 when he fathered Jared, then lived 830 years more and died @ 895
Jared was 162 when he fathered Enoch, then lived 800 years more and died @ 962
Enoch was 60 when he fathered Methuselah, then lived 300 years more and died @ 365
Methesulah was 187 when he fathered Lamech, then lived 782 years more and died @ 969
Lamech was 182 when he fathered Noah, then lived 595 years more and died @ 777
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credo quia est absurdum
Religion & Spirituality