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All categories - 25 February 2007

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Torture methods used by Mr. Bauer include: beatings, electric shock, suffocation, psychologically tormenting a detainee by showing him a mock execution of his children, withholding pain killers from a suspect suffering from a severe gunshot wound, shooting a detainee in the leg and threatening to shoot the other one, injecting painful and toxic chemicals into detainees, etc.

Not guilty or Guilty?

2007-02-25 05:48:33 · 8 answers · asked by Roland 4 in Television

Assume a second big bang occurred in the centre of our universe. The rate of expansion is equal to that of our universe.
(a) would the expanding second universe destroy all in its path or push our universe out without destruction.
(b) if it continued to expand and intelligent life evolved would the occupants of the second universe be able to observe us - I assume not.
(c) would we be able to see it as the expanding second universe approached us. Or if the rate of expansions of both universes was equal would we be completely oblivious of its existence.
(d) Forgetting the problem of actually observing each universe would it be possible to travel between the two.
(e) How would the situation be different if, instead, two big bangs occurred in the centre of our universe within a relatively short distance of each other.

2007-02-25 05:48:31 · 13 answers · asked by judge mark 2 in Astronomy & Space

I'm going to a 1980's theme party, and Im lost for what to wear. What was the coolest thing in the 80's for fashion. I can't remember what I wore. How about hairstyles?
Also, what about for a guy? I need something for my husband and he is a big guy, Im kinda stuck! Please help, there is a cash prize for the best dressed and I would love that money!! :) Thanks for your help!!

2007-02-25 05:48:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

2007-02-25 05:48:15 · 12 answers · asked by fritzybabe a 2 in STDs

2007-02-25 05:48:09 · 59 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

if you have used it how well did it work and how fast did you see results? i am also wanting to try The Edge fltiron/new growth straightener. has anyone ever tried it?

any info will be appreciated. i am wanting to stop using chemical perms to straighten my hair but i like the look of straight hair. i feel like my hair is breaking out and i blame the chemicals in the perms. i once grew my perm out and my hair was so healthy. i don't know why i got it again. i am now thinking of trying this product. if it doesn't work i will try sisterlocks.


2007-02-25 05:48:08 · 2 answers · asked by showstopper18 2 in Hair

In a few month ill be 18 and i want to buy a rifle in my local gun shop just a rifle (not specific) and i need to know every specific detail even the regestration or every small deatil please and i live in texas and please dont write that you need to go to your local gun shop because i cant not till im 18 Thank you

2007-02-25 05:48:03 · 12 answers · asked by grim reaper 2 in Hunting

i need as many options as possible. and those aspects that are important to consumers. i have a school project and need to create forms.
thank you so much. :)

2007-02-25 05:48:01 · 8 answers · asked by Cindy 3 in Other - US Dining Out

Bank America is known to over charge, steal, loose payments from US citizens as it is. They are a part of the group of banks who charge as much as 27% interest by how they roll over the payments and also got the bankruptcy laws tightened. What they do is offer an initial low interest rate to get people in then as soon as they accrue any debt they begin jumping it up like they did to me in college then my student loan after 5 years never got paid up or down and I only borrowed 3 thousand. I paid at least 50 dollars a month and they claimed the interest was 7%. They lied to me and the IRS about my interest charged along with payments. When they asked to refiance I paid it off with another credit card because when I tried to pay it off with check they would find a way to absorb the payments so I could do nothing. They are doing the same to many other people who got student loans through them. First they transfer it to some student loan corporation before they really begin ripping off

2007-02-25 05:47:55 · 2 answers · asked by Faerieeeiren 4 in Credit

2007-02-25 05:47:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I tried nail polish remover- that used to work well on removing sticky glue from price tickets on plastic CD boxes- but that didn't work on the metal surface of my new food processor unit.

2007-02-25 05:47:51 · 19 answers · asked by Doug 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

it dont have to be 6 .
the closest one to main will get a best ans.

2007-02-25 05:47:46 · 13 answers · asked by husnijoke 2 in Music

i need to know the name of the file that i need to file to have my custody case moved from one state to the other? i have pysical custody but not legal custody and i want joint custody
thanks in advance and thank to every one who answered my other questions
im sorry for being so confused

2007-02-25 05:47:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

what are cute song lyrics or things that i can put in my info about a boy?

2007-02-25 05:47:43 · 1 answers · asked by Amanda 1 in Singles & Dating

I can see nothing good about this religion.

2007-02-25 05:47:37 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

does any1 know a website that has everyone of the 316 mitzvot in the torah translated in english?

2007-02-25 05:47:36 · 4 answers · asked by guitarist2309 2 in Religion & Spirituality

hello every one iv had my ghds for a couple of months now and i use the GHD protection spary. resently my hair is smelling a weird burnt like smell. this only occures after iv straightened my hair before that it smells great just the way i want it to (like my shampoo and conditiner) please help me thank you xxx

2007-02-25 05:47:36 · 3 answers · asked by just sum1 1 in Hair

This is a question mainly for the girls, but if you're a guy and have, that would be interesting to hear about too O.o

2007-02-25 05:47:36 · 6 answers · asked by entivore 3 in Singles & Dating

2007-02-25 05:47:30 · 21 answers · asked by jericho sland 4 in Movies

2007-02-25 05:47:29 · 2 answers · asked by CooolioBeeens 2 in Internet

this is a question my cuzin wants answered not me ok

she says she likes him alot but she broke up w/ him becuz he was calling her friend an ugly *** hor and so thats why and her friend made her break up w/ him!so she wants to know how to get over him!

2007-02-25 05:47:27 · 7 answers · asked by short stuff 4 in Adolescent

As I stood at my first photography display, I couldn’t help but think of my mother. She was the one, after all, who inspired my deep love of photography. People swarmed around me, and complimented my work. I was at a standstill, the night moving fast and slow at the same time. My mother’s face was in my mind, as clear as the detailed photos on the wall.
My mother was one of those independent single mothers who loved her child more then anything. When I was younger, she would snap pictures constantly on her camera. I hated it at first. “Why should I smile when I don’t even feel happy?” I would grumble. She would just flash her lovely smile and tell me to pose anyway. We had photo albums all over the house, she cropped and snipped constantly, smiling at all the places we’d been and things we’d done. Eventually I became used to the camera at her side almost all the time. I appreciated my mom a little bit more, when one day I had my best friend Lindsey over.
“Lisa, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” Mom asked with her motherly smile. I made the introductions grudgingly, wanting to take Lindsey to my room. But they hit it off immediately, talking about photography, of all things! I impatiently tapped my foot, but neither of them took notice. Lindsey was now looking through our photo albums with delight.
“Oh, Ms. Lawrence! These are fantastic! I wish my mom made these…. But she’s an alcoholic, you see. She doesn’t care about that sort of thing, so I have no record of my life. It’s kind of like walking around knowing who you are but not knowing where you’ve been. You’re so lucky Lisa, to know that your mom cares.” And with that Lindsey burst into tears. My mom held her and told her she would lend her the supplies to start her own scrapbook. I finally realized what a great mom I had, and it had taken thirteen years to come to this conclusion.
The next morning, after Lindsey had gone home, I took my cup of tea and sat down across from her at the kitchen table. We were tea people, as my mom said. Every single morning she had her cup of earl gray with no sugar and a little bit of milk, and I had my French vanilla with milk and sugar. We always talked over tea too, and that morning was no exception.

“Hey, Mom?” I was hesitant about the usual morning chatter today. I wanted to discuss the one subject I usually despised, and I was terribly afraid she would call me out on my hypocrisy.
“Yes?” she seemed to feel the tension pulsating out of me, and encouraged me by brushing back her red hair to give me a better look at her eyes. They showed she would not be unforgiving.
“Umm… what do you like best about photography?” I mumbled it and winced, waiting for the angry tone. Mom was completely understanding though, she was truly glad I was interested in something new. She wasn’t like other moms, and for the first time in my life I wasn’t embarrassed of her. To this day I’m not even sure if she heard my question, because she didn’t answer it. She just started talking about photography. Just talking; and I could tell by how animated her eyes were that she truly loved it.
“Lisa, photography is different for every person. For me it’s how I can stop time and take a photograph, and I will always have it, so I can always remember. It’s like saving that one memory forever. And I can take pictures of you, and I can remember exactly that look on your face. And by the way, I can tell when your smile is fake or real. You can’t fool a camera.” She smiled at this, and I blushed, thinking of all the false smiles I had forced when I was having a bad day.
“But it’s mainly a way to hold on to something, to be able to remember something that will never be exactly the same again. I can look at all my pictures, and reflect on how much time has past. Think of how much can change in a minute, and you will realize why I take so many pictures. Just in case things change, I will have that photo. All the people and places are frozen there, so as you change and they don’t, you can notice those changes and hold onto the way things were and never will be again. It’s a way to leave my mark on this world. After I’m gone, my pictures will be here, and I’ll always be on that picture, smiling, for you to look at. A camera flash is the surest thing in the world.” And with that she rose, kissed my head, and left for work. I didn’t quite understand the last thing she had said about the camera flash being the surest thing in the world, and my need to understand forced me to find out.
So I took pictures constantly, and I grew to love it too. I figured out ways to make a shot look better, how to focus light, and how to position people to make the photo different. I loved it in exactly the same way my mother did. I now understood her in a way I never had before. And I understood what she meant about the camera flash. When the flash goes off, it’s reassuring. That camera flash promises that what you just saw is saved, that you can remember it. It’s proof that you now have that memory forever. And it’s proof that you are now engraved into that picture, into that moment in time, forever. I also wanted to be here after I was gone, and that is mainly why I am thinking about my mother tonight. I want people to look back on my candid shots and remember, like I was forced to do only six months after that conversation over tea.
My mom died, at the age of thirty-eight, in the most unfair way that my teenage mind could comprehend. My mom was on a city street, and a bar fight got out of hand. A man was kicked out just as she was nearing an alley to take an amazing shot of the shadows. A gun was fired, and my mom was taken from me forever. I looked over all her pictures for months, and swore I would take my mother’s passion to the next level.
There I stood, as the night was over, in the middle of the empty street, looking at the distinguished brick building in front of me. My photographs had been greatly admired, but I had just pressed down the button on my camera at the right moment in time. I was just here for my mother. My senses were heightened; I could smell the scent of flowers from the florist shop down the street. The air was filled with late night fog, and the steady beat of a light drizzle calmed me. I was finally where my mother had always wanted to go. A man on the other side of the street hummed a tune, and I picked it up and hummed it too. I was happy, and my mother’s face was in my mind. I was not paying attention until the car was too close to do anything.
I only felt a quick moment of pain, as my head pounded into the pavement. I was slightly aware of shouts and of wetness under my head and legs, but I was peaceful. My breathing was shallow, and I realized that the first milestone in my career would also be my last. As the infamous white light came, it was quicker then I expected it to be. And I instantly recognized what it resembled. It was assuring me that my life would not be forgotten, that I was captured in time, that my life was frozen as it was, and that my memories were safely tucked away somewhere in the universe.
The white light resembled the flash of a camera.

2007-02-25 05:47:24 · 6 answers · asked by ~S~ is for Stephanie! 6 in Books & Authors

This horror story was from a few days ago where she lost her lower lip when she tried to rescue her dachsund from a pit bull attack.

"Pit bull attacks woman and her dog"

Feb 21, 2007
Watch This Video
(TULSA, Okla.) February 21 - A Tulsa woman tries to save her dog from a pit bull but in the process she was attacked. The woman is recovering from injuries to her face.

FOX 23 News’ Emily Sinovic spoke to the pit bull's owner.

There's no mistaking the danger. All the signs and chain-link fences quickly become mere illusions of safety when a pit bull attacks.

The screaming was so horrific that everyone in the neighborhood came out. It was so bad neighbors thought somebody was getting killed.
Animal Control says the pit bull attacked the dachshund's owner when she tried to pull her dog from the pit bull's grip. She survived the bite. Her bottom lip is ripped off but neighbors worry about what will happen the next time http://www.fox23.com/mostpopular/story.aspx?content_id=4fc0e4dd-9359-496f-8871-bbbc52e5023b

2007-02-25 05:47:23 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

i think we all used to watch yogi the bear when we were little,right? wll i remember 4 heroes in that cartoon..there was the ranger,yogi,booboo and a pretty female bear.It's been bugging me..what was this lady-bear's name?

2007-02-25 05:47:17 · 2 answers · asked by pisi_alinutza 1 in Music

2007-02-25 05:47:14 · 1 answers · asked by ProLife Liberal 5 in Politics

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