Hi friends are you loking for Jesus today I am yes !
Today is the day of salvation.
Except ye repent ye shall all likwise perish Luje 13;3
For whosevershall call upon te name of te lord shallbe Saved Romans 10;13
For all have sinned come short of the glory of God Romans 3;23
Jesus loves us all wants us to have a home in heaven someday .
Jesus died shed his blood on the cross to wash away our sins 1 John 1;7 And the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleaseth us from alll sin.
Turn to Jesus satan hates us all wants us to burn in Hell .
Mark 9;48 Where thier worm dieth not and te fire is not quenched and Revelation 20;14 , 15 Death and hell where cast into the lake of this is the second death and whosever was not found written in nthe boook of life ws cast into the lake of fire.
Call on Jesus to save u come in your heart and Jesus will save you forgive to . In Jesus , Rodney
16 answers
asked by
Rodney C
Religion & Spirituality