In November a cat I had for 13 years died and my daughter wanted a kitten. After weeks of betting, we caved.
We have two "senior" ( they are 12 & 13) female cats in the home. We have added two new cats to the fold, a male and female British Shorthair pair. One of my seniors is not adjusting well to the additions. We have had the "babies" over eight weeks and did not think it should take this long.
She is not physically agressive to the kittens. She will hiss and growl at them, but they pretty much ignore her.
My husband states she isn't too bad when I'm not home. She has always been my cat, on me constantly, sleeping on my pillow. Since the arrival of the kittens, she will still lay on my lap or over my head but freaks if one of them comes near us. The kittens are very loving and want attention from the big cats, trying to rub their faces agaist them.
My question is this: Is there anything we can do to help this along and help everyone be happy and feel loved? =)
5 answers
asked by
Unexpectedly George