Good people, I read so much garbage in this forum, it makes my head shake in wonder. Liberals, attack Conservatives, Conservatives attack liberals, Dems vs. Repubs and visa versa. Lots of bashing and very little substance. Sure some are just letting off steam, some just …well being a horse’s rear end. What I don’t understand is where am I in all this, I believe in personal responsibility, I believe in helping people to a degree and everything possible for the ones who can not help themselves (e.g. because of illness, physically challenged that kind of thing) I believe God created all humans equal, and the color of one’s skin is not a factor of intelligence or ability. I believe while it is wrong to cause hurt with intent, it is not wrong to just be plainly blunt. I believe most politicians are just out for them selves, while a few good people in office are unable to make a difference, and that goes for all political parties. I believe Jesus would not by any means approve of the death penalty, nor abortion. I believe that we should work together as a community to meet the needs of the people but also as part of that, each person who is able to contribute in the work force does and is held responsible. I don’t think that it is right to take money out of my pay check and give it to someone just because he/she doesn’t have any or much, unless as stated above. I believe in small government. Individual rights, the USA constitution. I do believe, sometimes war is necessary. I know there are movements in the world we exist in where EVIL wants to kill everyone who does not follow in line with their ideology 100 percent. These people can not be handled with a hug and sit down to hash out the problem; they want to kill the infidel’s period. I believe Bush and his admin, made some bad mistakes, but I do not think he lied, I know Clinton lied, and didn’t do much, having known the Intel, and didn’t do much because he knew that what Bush is going through is the same thing he would have gone through and he didn’t want to take that road. I Believe Liberals have very good intentions and hearts and do Conservatives, but I don’t believe in religion. I am personally a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ. I don’t totally reject Darwin’s theory; just see it as our creator’s natural way of intelligent design. SO WHO AM I? Am I republican, democrat, independent, liberal??? Given some basics of myself how do you see me??? Just curious really. Just to add, I vote for who ever are best in line with what is best for the country at the time. So yes I have voted for democrats, and conservatives as well as independents.
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