How can I deal with my mother in law and her gossiping ways? She's not trying to hurt people on purpose because she's also shared her personal problems to everyone, but it bothers me that she gossips (even the bad things) about my future brother in law and his girlfriend and her parents, etc. and everyone else to me. My mother always told me that if someone is gossiping to you about someone, they are doing the same to you behind your back. I fell for her "you can talk to me anytime about anything" and had me and my fiance's business spread throughtout the whole state of LA. We've worked out our problem months ago, and she's still bringing it up to people! I've overheard her myself. I don't tell her my problems anymore, I'd rather come on here and vent if I have something to say or talk to my fiance'. He's very quiet and reserved, so am I. How can I let her know(respectfully), that I don't want to discuss or hear about anyone's business (especially if it's bad)??
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Marriage & Divorce