Pelosi wants to create a panel to investigate who the CIA is watching and how much money they are spending. Hello! people this thinking led to Clinton making huge cut's in the CIA which we found out what the ulimate results were (Terrorist). Why doesn't the Dem's focus on Dafur,Mid-East, N. Korea, Iran and get off the CIA's back? Are they worried that they are being watched?They're always crying about a recount during the elections costing tax payers millions. ""But hey we all love Democrats" Is that why they want to create this committee to watch the CIA? They want to be-little the CIA, and continue to tell America we are not going to win the war on terror. I don't get the people who put the Dem's in office, and I'm an Independent. And for all the Dem's. What's this Great plan of theirs that they are supposed to save America Huh? I'm waiting....ummm. or is developing the committee to be the watchdog of the CIA their 1st step to saving America? What a Joke the Dem's are to date.
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