Why is it that sins of the flesh have such negative side effects? Why is it that stupid little stick we call cigarettes can have such devistating effects on your body if you use them too much? Please, don't tell me about the chemical effects of cigarettes. I know how they kill you, but I can't understand why. I mean, why aren't cigarettes on a daliy basis good for you? Why is alcohol on a daily basis so bad for you? Why do these products cause addiction? Why does alcohol destroy your liver? Why can't alcohol be extremly fun, while at the same time be extremly good for you? Why is a promisquous lifestyle dangerous? I understand the risk of pregnancy, but I can't understand the risk of disease or viruses. Why is it that the only reasonable source of fuel for cars is so destructive on the environment? Of every element on Earth, the one perfectly suited to make a car run best emits CO2, which destroys our environment.
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