th fnding fathers, first thing after signing decl of ind, prohibtd entail & primogeniture, fixed clergy salaries [see letter jeff to adams, oct 28, 1813] to limit fortunes - they believed limitatn of fortunes is essential for capitalism, democracy, justice, survival, law, order, liberty - everything good - they were against wealth concentration - they warned that the corporation would get round their provisions to prevent wlth cncntrtn
they knew that money is power, & therefore huge fortunes are overpower, unjust, theft, monopolous, corruption, and tyrannous - they fled tyrannies, they wanted to establish liberty, they knew that superwealth = superpower = tyranny = warmongering, cannonfoddering of the people
overpower is power to steal & kill [war, conquer, plunder] with impunity, home & abroad - overpower is above the law & govt, buying, owning law & govt
monoply = pricegouging = theft [causes boom & bust, depressions]
ovrpay = undrpay = starvtn, war [kills 100mn/yr]
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