it is mentioned in the Bible in 2nd Samuel, Chapter No. 6, Verse No 23, that… ‘Michael the daughter of Saul - she had no sons’ - 2nd Samuel’, Chapter 21, Verse No. 8… ‘Michael the daughter of Saul had 5 sons.’ One place it says… ‘No children, no son, no daughter’ - Other place… ‘5 sons.’ Further more if you read, it is mentioned in Gospel of Mathew, Chapter No. 1, Verse No. 16 - it says about the genealogy of Jesus Christ peace be upon him - as well as Luke Chapter No. 3, Verse No. 23, and it says that… Jesus’ father, that is Joseph - his father was Jacob’ – Mathew, Chapter 1, Verse 16. And Luke, Chapter No 3, Verse No 23… Jesus’ father… Joseph - his father was Hailey. Did Jesus’ father… Joseph, had two fathers ? What do you call a person who has got two fathers ? Or was it Hailey - or was it Jacob ? Clear-cut contradiction.
I have given the references, you can check it urself. ?I have many more of such contradiction.
My aim is not to hurt any christian but this is the reality.
23 answers
asked by
Shahid Shafqat
Religion & Spirituality