Stupidity is one thing the US has a lot of nowadays, besides debt. It is all over the place in huge amounts. Listen to Bush talk, stupidity. Listen to the democrats talk, stupidity. Go on the Internet, stupidity. Television, stupidity. Read the papers, stupidity. Talk to your fellow workers, stupidity. On, stupidity. Your spouse, more stupidity. Your kids, obnoxious offensive stupidity. Christian, Jewish stupidity; you name it, we got it!
How can we package this stupidity in nice wrapping paper, put a red ribbon on it, and sell it? Americans are good at selling things, can this be sold too? Can we sell it to the Arabs for oil? Or Israel for weapons and vetoes on the UN Security Council? (On second thought, after this war with Lebanon, maybe Israel has enough stupidity of its own. We can charge more for HIGH OCTANE stupidity!) Or to China for Wal-Mart junk? Can we sell it for Supreme Court seats? Or cabinet level positions in government?
Oh, the possibilities!
11 answers
asked by
Paul D
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