Some of your probably heard of this story already...the story about 6 shot, 1 fatally at a Seattle Jewish center ... I read the article by yahoo...;_ylt=Ambua1mzo9j_fv1bLL9UkCZvzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--
I really like the this part : "The gunman, who employees said claimed to be a Muslim angry at Israel, forced his way through "
and this
"Staff members said they overheard him saying "'I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel,' before opening fire on everyone," Meislin-Dietrich said. "He was randomly shooting at everyone."
Police would not confirm the account."
This story sounds so funny...yet its tragic at the same time...I honestly don't think anyone doing something like that would loudly say what this story claims to say...would you go into a place of worship or any religeous organization and state your religion and then start killing ppl? yet another story to kill islam's image...
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