Congratulate me !!! I have just had my first violation ticket. I was riding my motor bike without a helmet -it looks ugly and I don't like it-and without a driver's license- I am not good at driving anyway so I didn't apply for one.
(I really think this is stupid. Why do I have to wear something that I don't like ? I mean . c'mon !!! it is my head !!! I have the right to crush if I want to !!!!!I can crush it right now !!!and I can't drive , why do I have to have a driver's license ?I could have cheated and got one by fraud , but I thought I wait until I know how to drive .)
Anyway the officer took my motorcycle's license and now I have to go to the traffic department and get it .
He gave me a receipt that says "helmet+not having a driver's license" so how much money do I have to pay , and in theory"because I am not from Cairo", what are the procedures that I have to do?
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