After posting a spate of questions and answers in defence of Islam against the popular propoganda which deliberately makes no difference in equating Islam with Terrorism, I have concluded that there is a THICK SCHISM of trust. On one side of this schism are those intelligent nonmuslims who refuse to buy this malicious propoganda and prefer to explore for themselves. On the other side are those nonmuslims who 'WANT' to stick with their prejudices and do not want to see beyond the locked doors of their closed minds. They feed themselves by calling muslims 'fanatic', conviniently forgetting that they are not any better. If terrorism is no solution to problems of suffered and suppressed communites or is, obviously, not going to do any good to humanity then painting everybody belonging to the community or religion of these "terrorists" in the same colour will not help either. Inspite of muslims , on this forum, giving repeated statements of condemnation of terrorism on behalf of Islam, these hard nuts refuse to crack .
This makes me wonder if they are really scarred by the terrorism scene or they were perpetual haters of Islam. They never expressed their opinions before 9/11 as it would have made no sense at all and they would have only looked bad in the larger picture. But unfortunately, when an incident as henious as 9/11 happened in one of the most well to do countries of the world, their fervent got a chance to go public, what with the rest of the world echoing the same(justifiably so). Worst of all, when they can't do much in the face of the peace loving nonmuslims(who are on the better side of this schism) they get down to ridiculing the values and belief structure of ISLAM, clearly taking advantage of the fact that not all have read QURAAN, and that with very little known about the importance of reading QURAAN with explanatory text or TAFSIR(amongst muslims also, leave alone nonmuslims) , most of the people reading the holy book are bound to fall for apparent meaning of the verses. But, in the midst of all this, has any one stopped to think that if things continue in this manner, it won't be too late before a new breed of so called "terrorists" will keep getting ready to join the band of the one's who already exist on the scene, scotfree. These new kids on the block will be a byproduct of the injustice metted out to them by these very 'HARD NUTS'.
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