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Other - Society & Culture - 19 August 2007

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They get stereotyped as kids who take drugs, drink alcohol, hang out on street corners and wear hooded tops. I dont think this is fear as not every teenager is like this.

2007-08-19 10:20:08 · 25 answers · asked by Jodie 1

2007-08-19 10:06:12 · 17 answers · asked by K. Marx iii 5

In America and Europe, the media/government/world affairs have created an image of Islam, as if to say "see this turban, this headdress, this beard, this skin, it stands for this, this and this, fear it". To what extent do you think this image corresponds to reality? For example, many people tell me that Muslims are commanded to kill infidels by their holy book (which actually, I was surprised to learn, is not in the Koran). Is Islam the CAUSE of violence, or merely the justification for it? In other words, if there were no religions in the world, wouldn't humans commit the same atrocities, except not bother tojustify them? My history teacher says "A hungry man will always kill, steal, and wreak havoc. His religion (islam?) will only affect how he chooses to justify it." What do YOU think? Thanks for all responses. :D

2007-08-19 08:35:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you know people who smile are usually healthier, happier and influence others to be happy as well. So smile, show those teeth. You may make someones day by simply a smile. :)

2007-08-19 08:35:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-19 08:06:56 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-19 08:04:04 · 26 answers · asked by Mansi Arora 1

I have noticed that alot of people have this magnatism. They seem so condifent and so full of life. They are funny and strong people. But when you tell them that they offended you, or ask them to stop making belitting jokes, or whatever. They become agressive, or start deflecting, and are all 'What is YOUR problem'. They say mean things to make it your fault. At that point I realize that they are insecure. How can insecure people seem like the most confident ones out there? Is their over confidence like agression.... trying to be intimidating so people won't cross them?

2007-08-19 08:00:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm an English girl and I'm just curious as to what other nationalities really think of the English be as nasty or as nice as you like honestly I'm just curious!

2007-08-19 08:00:06 · 6 answers · asked by LittleMissLolita 2

internet, mobile phones, emails, do we hide behind these devices. are the new generation as social as they should be?

2007-08-19 07:54:12 · 10 answers · asked by jojoar 1

I am a 17 year old girl and currently a senior of the 2007-2008 school year. Next year I wish to go to college and pursue a job in Journalism but I have no money. I applied for a scholarship (I'm in the final 10 finalists!) and I need votes so if you could please read my essay and possibly vote for it or encourage others to then it would be VERY appreciated. There are also 9 other great finalists if you wish to look at theirs too.

Here's the link to my essay: http://collegetoolkit.com/ScholarshipContest/Finalists/Vote/ashummz05.aspx

If that doesn't work go to collegetoolkit.com and my personal finalist name is ashummz05, however there are 9 others also. :-)

You register, vote, and then do the email confirmation for it to count. This may only take a moment of your time, but it will be a huge part in my life.
Thankyou all.

My email address is ashummz05@yahoo.com if you have ANY questions.

2007-08-19 07:44:03 · 3 answers · asked by Oops, did I say that? 3

when i am out with my freinds i get all jumpy and tense even though they are all good people and would never hurt me, and when they mess around i tend to stop them from having fun , they say i need to realx more and stop acting so serious , i am 18 and feel as though i have to act all grown up, and i don't feel like letting loose and having fun, would you say that i am a little uptight ?

2007-08-19 07:08:26 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are they stupid? Are they just trying to up their profile? Do they think I'm stupid and might qualify their no talent answer as best answer?. Seriously, who takes time to read a question, has absolutely no clue on the subject matter, and feels obligated to leave a response.

2007-08-19 07:03:57 · 4 answers · asked by kyle 2

When the rooms were a blur of conversation, with 15 conversations going on at once, jokes, quips, serious? I think it was like in the late 90's. Does anyone recall how much fun it was?

2007-08-19 06:47:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know I'm about to sound so cold, and I know it sounds horrible I would never really condone this, but every time I hear a story about it I'm just heart broken.

Should Retarded children be mercy killed. If you find out your child will be born retarded should doctors recommend abortion. I'm talking about really too far gone. I mean drooling in a chair eating applesauce for the rest of there life.

That is not life. that is not living. a child who will never feel love from another (Not parental love, I mean Love Love) They will never be able to make freinds at school, they will never be able to work, never be able to have sex, just have a cold empty life that drains and causes pain for everyone around them.

I know this sounds terrible, but remember i said Mercy, its mercy, no child deserves something like that.

2007-08-19 06:45:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it contradictory to ask for 2 things that are similar? I want something very specific, yet people have told me that I should also ask for the same thing but in a general sense.

As an example (not what i want); if I ask for say, a very specific type and kind of car AND ask for just a car but with the same qualities is this ok? To ask for both at the same time?

People say i shouldnt be specific....just be general. But then LOA says you can ask for anything your heart desires.

There are really no rules to LOA are there?

2007-08-19 06:44:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

People are always saying that beyonce and chris brown are mixed because there light skin or there mom got green or hazel eyes(not knowing that it could be contacts) or somthing like that.Im a very light skin gurl i have green eyes and im fully black.Why cant people just accept that beyonce or chris brown or any other light skin black person is just black.

2007-08-19 06:36:38 · 6 answers · asked by Mizz_Nisha 1

I am a Texan, and proud of the heritage we have here, in my state as well as the US. My ancestors were from the UK, mostly English with some Scot and Irish in the mix. I enjoy many of the things about the UK. I study British history, read the literature and understand that you have a great heritage.

The US is a young country and has grown quickly in size, wealth and power and therefore acts and is like a spoiled child. But unfortunately we are after all Britain's spoiled child.

I have many friends here who have immigrated from the UK, and have other friends who have either come to the US or are currently here as a result of their service with the RAF or British Army. We always find a lot in common.

By the way I thought it was really cool driving my Jaguars, now I find out they are made by Ford.

2007-08-19 06:16:50 · 9 answers · asked by US_DR_JD 7

I posted a question on here earlier today, and was a bit shocked by the responses. Not that shocked, this is the Internet (where left of left, is considered conservative).

I would like to, on top of the posted question ask. Would you be able to look someone in the face, who had a member of their family murdered and say. Sorry about your loss, but I have to go protest Michael Vick. That is a more important issue.

This should be REALLY interesting.

Just let me say, that I feel what Michael Vick did is disgusting, and he should pay the maximum price. Although I am sure many of you will twist this into me supporting him. But hey, like I said above it is the Internet. Where opinions turn into facts.


2007-08-19 05:57:35 · 13 answers · asked by Soylent Green 2

bloody stupid? maddie died as a result off her neglectful horrible stupid parent but they get pity money and media attention.
they should be killed horribly?

2007-08-19 05:45:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why did they scream it?

2007-08-19 05:14:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello kids.
I live outside of India, but I love my country and my culture. In the last decade or so, I've noticed that hindustanis try so hard to be like the westeners. Why is that? We never dated before, why have guys and girls begun to do that sort of thing?
We used to dress moderately; now girls wear sleeveless shirts and short skirts. Most movies these days are ridiculous, because they try to imitate the western world and it looks horrible.( Remember the movies up till the 70s? they were awesome.) This is not how hindustanis are.
Don't call me old fashioned, because I'm not. We're Hindustanis, and we live a certain way. We're not supposed to try to be like the people from the west; its insulting to our culture.

2007-08-19 04:57:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

why bring me a bunch of leaves called flowers,then pick me up in some nissan???

when will men ever learn to be classy...like say jay z?
he drives an 8 million dollar car.

2007-08-19 04:50:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

fighting in Iraq. Lets send a prayer to the men and women and children fighting disease. Lets send a prayer for everyone whos had a family member pass away. Lets send a prayer to everyone to be succesful in life.

2007-08-19 04:50:03 · 4 answers · asked by Home Dogg 3

hint hint..dump the flowers

..show me the bentley...

2007-08-19 04:36:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My younger brother (age 23) is struggling with growing up and becoming a man right now. He didn't finish high school, he has no respect for authority and it seems like he doesn't have a care in the world. He has a young daugther and he needs to step up a be a real father to her. He comes from a loving family. He is the baby. All his siblings went to college and have a career and take good care of their families, but he struggles. You can't say anything to him without it turning into an argument. You can tell he is ashamed of his actions, but he just repeats them constantly. We encouraged him to go get his GED and he did. We were so proud of him, but he still gets into so much trouble. He doesn't agree to counsiling and he doesn't think he is wrong . He still lives with my parents and is very disrespectful causing him and my father (53) to always go at it. They have put him out but he has no where to go so they let him back in. I want to try to help him before its to late.

2007-08-19 04:35:54 · 16 answers · asked by softbread23 1

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