I recently put an ad on craigslist Toronto selling a cd player. I only want to deal in cash and therefore will not ship it anywhere because I want to protect myself from scammers. (If someone wants to pay me in cash and then ship it themselves, so be it, I don't care.)
I received an offer from someone and they wanted me to find out the shipping cost to Nigeria and stated that they would pay using PayPal. This person was in Italy. I replied to them refusing the offer and explaining why. This morning, I received an e-mail from them saying that I'm a f***ing scammer and they hope I die soon.
1) How would this make me a scammer?
2) Why would someone get so upset over a used cd player?
The person in question would easily be able to purchase a brand-new cd player and ship it to their son in Nigeria at a much lower cost then purchasing and shipping from Canada.
Why be such a mean drama queen?
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