Hmmmm, in the future you might be right, but I think the cost of sending anything into space is quite goppingly high at present - and until we can travel SIGNIFICANTLY faster than light, I'm afraid the ex-con would have died a fair few tens of millenia too early to note anything of value.
Even our own galaxy (a teeeeeny spec in the universe) is roughly 100,000 light years wide. At 1000 times the speed of light, an 18 year old criminal would need to live to be 118 year old just to see one side of our galaxy to the other. He would also be going a little fast to make the most accurate of observations.
It really is awfully big.
Interesting idea though - and with suspended animation / faster than light travel it may one day be a plan.
2006-11-01 04:09:06
answer #1
answered by Mark T 6
Hmmm, no I wouldn't. I would rather be dead than spend the rest of my life in isolation...
There for I fully support the idea!! Being that I don't plan on being sentenced to death I think it would be a far greater punishment than death. I'm not sure how cost effective it would be but I would much rather have my tax dollars go to space missions than keeping some convicts cable from going off...Could we extend this punishment to rapists and child molesters?
2006-11-01 12:05:33
answer #2
answered by p_lo25 3
It would'nt cost anything to send someone on death row into space, just strap a few to the outside every time a spaceship is launched.
2006-11-01 12:19:35
answer #3
answered by Shredder 6
First you would need to keep them alive in space and second even if they traveled at the speed of light it would take them roughly 4-5 years to get to the closet star outside of our solar system. All this would be massively expansive better just to execute criminals here, much less expansive and solves the problem much more efficiently.
2006-11-01 12:03:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think you will find that death row criminals arent usually offered this option...tell you what though, why not pop out and murder someone and let me know if there is a special on when you get nicked, if there is I might come with you
2006-11-01 12:04:40
answer #5
answered by greydays 4
Would you want an alien race's first impression of humans to be of a criminal murderer/rapist/pederast? What if, through his behaviour in the greeting ceremony/lunch, he mortally insults them and they take revenge by travelling to Earth and annihilating the entire human race?
That would be bad.
2006-11-01 12:13:36
answer #6
answered by RonanJ 1
No, I'd rather be shot dead than shot off into space alone. I wanna die quickly, not suffering form isolation and maybe lack of oxygen.
2006-11-01 12:08:59
answer #7
answered by ono 3
Yep. I think I'd like an assured vaporization at a certain point.
I don't think criminals would necessarily be too helpful, unless it was just passive.
2006-11-01 12:42:27
answer #8
answered by June smiles 7
No I would like that, besides it would cost more, you have to train them first and If you have a mission for them you have to rely on them
2006-11-01 12:03:24
answer #9
answered by Starlight 4
I don`t believe in murder , life is scerrate .
2006-11-01 12:39:37
answer #10
answered by wolfe_tone43 5