I have a friend who is short on money. She is trying to find a second job to help pay her bills. The issue is that she recently took her niece and nephew to Disney World. She could not afford that trip, but she said she really wanted to go back. In order to pay for the trip, she used her vacation check, took out 2 small, high-interest loans, and did not pay a bill. As a result her cell phone was shut off. In order to get it turned back on, she has to pay $285.00. She does not have the money to do this. Now, my church has a benevolent fund to help those who need a little help paying bills or buying food. My question is: should I tell my pastor about her? Knowing her nature, (she thinks she in the most important person in the world and the world should cater to her. She even thinks that God should be her personal "genie") I kind of don't want to help her, but as a Christian I know I should.
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