I have no idea. I quit drinking in 92' and haven't drank since.
But I will tell you this. I know of some people who go to AA meetings simply to pick up girls. They have no interest in quitting drinking, they just go to find emotionally unstable girls, pick them up and use them.
I also know of people who have gone to AA, claimed their "higher power" was their Harley Davidson, met some of the AA regulars and ended up getting into worse stuff than just alcohol.
Thus IMO AA is crap
2006-09-03 15:10:35
answer #1
answered by AirborneSaint 5
The easiest way not to drink is to choose not to drink. AA pushes the idea that one is powerless over alcohol and that belief becomes an easy excuse for getting drunk.
Just being around the AA people that tend to glorify their past drinking and are never, ever cured could well be a trigger. This is a religion that really has little to do with not drinking.
2006-09-05 11:46:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
One dear friend of mine never had a drinking problem, but was pushed into AA by her mental health services. In the rooms she met others who were mandated who had no intentions of quitting and started drinking and using drugs on a regular basis.
AA works for about 5% of the people who join, and a large percentage of the 95% it doesn't help, get worse while in the rooms.
2006-09-04 03:23:35
answer #3
answered by raysny 7
Yes I guess it can be in some cases. It all depends if AA has a possitive effect on you
AA will only make you think of drinking and the dreaded times you went through. The best way not to drink is to stay busy doing other things better than drinking, and of course we can think of 1001 things better to do than to drink. All I can say enjoy better times in the future for yourself and your family
With Care & Passion, Laurie
2006-09-03 15:06:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I tried AA myself and it did not work for me as well. I need to be personally accountable. To have to say that Alchol was beyond my control made me feel like I had an excuse to drink, it was "beyond my control". Previous to your relapse you had been sober for 16 years! That's awesome, you obviously know what to do without AA. So my advice would be don't beat yourself up to the point you begin a cycle and just get back on your sober wagon. You Rock!!
2006-09-03 15:32:36
answer #5
answered by meona 2
One good fro you to recognize AA for what it is a religion . If folks want to go they should know it is a religion
Hey afrer16 years not adrop not a bad streach but it did not kill ypou you do not have the desire to go out and get drunk all the time
Yes it can be a trigger AA is chock full of some very unsavory peoplewho use it AA hunting ground for thier own victims . This is particualry true of court ordreed attnedess in the states it is constitional in the 2nd 7th and 3rd appelet circut courts AA is a Religion or highly relgious in ature . So less pr-lmes in those areas though there arealways ways to try a end run around the Bill ofrights .
AA for soem isa good thing for 95% of the ople thatis only those surveyed we do not kow about those who go to one or two meetings and leave .
ZYesaAAit;' religios rituals guilt tripoing and cultere of frea and laothng of botth them slevs and the things the diseireaboveall else ooze and drugs
is a trigger ahuge one who wantsto be verbally abused by some fat chainsmoking coffe swillng felon?
AA is one of the Worse thngs ever thougfht of it has tron apart millions odf lives anmd ruined many familiess.
I know of a Family where they kicked out there High Functioning Austisitc Son he got busted for having LSD on him and Xanax he got to stay calm hew did not have health care he was booted out of his house because he was seen having a cold beer after work with a new freind
The state said he was uneligblestriaght white visibly handicapped you would know he wqs not quiite rioth tal;koing ot him though Iq above metally retarded His was 80 I think Just a tick abopve being MR so for his 50 bucks a month he go his 100 Xanax . Used a internet pharmacy I found this out from a friend of his sister who has since broken contact with the faminly . If he had asked I would have helpd the guy out But becasue I have Seizuers and take meds for it I am "diseased how warped is that . he was afraidi would make hoim sick ! yeah 12 step ideology is dangerous and can trigger a drkin ging or dug using epsisode . easily . who wants to be told you boss isdiseased . (Long story ) espcially the to vulneralbel . his family was deep into AA. Co dependancy ACOA ect and he was in hiuscell crying after getting beat badly by a very violant inmate who should be in hsi own little 6ft x 6ft cell
this poor kid got out and took all j his meds art once he
The 12 steppers told his family to kick him out hey human kindnesss is a disease !
FWIW the Xanax helped him with his fears and stress I thouight he went to a clinic but He had some person at the libraray help him get Xanax . She was some person who belived in doing good and thought she was helping by buyinh him Xanax . At least the poor kid had a respite from hsi toprment inner and from all of l;ifes stressor that can easliy overwhelm someo ne like him
But i thank AA andNA frov conving his family to kick himp out when they knew he was autiusticand would nver makes it .
Oh\I hate it more cuse he kid looked up ot me . as some biug tough guy who can climb in trees with Chainsaws running and Soling the Maroon Bells or Pryamid Peak
HA HA I love a bar next to AA meertionf a good business move > Hmm Not that i think of it ... there is ameetinf in this buildong that has open space for rent elk Burgers and beer ?! AH a concept an i can add real coffee yto but only sever booze at thre bar Well I cannot hirre topless dancers I think i have ot chek it out . damn that is a great idea a barr serving the best booze hmm maybe OI can ask to put in ashullte stop near the place it will be a safty rerason .I had not thougfht of it as agoodplace for a Bar and Mexican Grille along with coffe shop in the AM to enitce them! thanks ude you rock
2006-09-03 15:46:33
answer #6
answered by crps_1964 3
I am no specialist in these kind of stuff. but Alcolholics Anonymouse is usually not a trigger to start drinking. Don't forget they are here to help you with your Alcohol addiction. but at the same time they can be because they may bring back memories of your past.
I think some people may need to seek a second treatment because the first time around it did not work for them. I have seen these kind of things on TV show called INTERVENTION on the A&E Channel, Where they do all kinds documentaries on drug users and their interventions.
if you have the Alcohol trigger again I suggest that you watch the INTERVENTION show on the A&E. And here is also their website http://www.aetv.com/intervention/. You should seek a second treatment from a professional as well.
I hope this information helped you. and Congrats for being sober for 16yrs. :)
2006-09-03 15:36:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You want to quit drinking, QUIT, DON'T DRINK, PERIOD. I know the AA meetings would make me want to drink, all those miserable, helpless drunks unable or unwilling to actually take control of their own life. If you quit drinking you life is not going to suddenly improve overnight, you are going to be the same miserable bastard, only sober. You have to make an effort to change your life. Hell,, it may never change, but even a miserable lie straight beats a life where you are slowly self medicating yourself to death. It won't be a pretty end.
2006-09-03 15:13:00
answer #8
answered by Dane 6
Well the AA guys are having their meeting upstaries and guess what right across the street from this building there's a bar.
2006-09-03 15:32:12
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No. You drink because you want to. That's AA philosophy. You are weak and trying to blame someone else for your weakness.
Drink up and be somebody.
2006-09-03 19:31:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous