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Other - Cultures & Groups - November 2006

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Having the "need", but being denied it till they are of "age"? But we do
it anyway. And telling us we're "bad", and threatening us with Hell, drives us

2006-11-19 01:05:29 · 4 answers · asked by THE NEXT LEVEL 5

Is it consumerism gone wild?
Is it poor diet?
Is it poor exercise habits?
Is it because they like to be obese?
Is it sexy?

Everytime I come home to America I notice that the people are more obese. Even the kids are obese.
And the people are all looking somehow the same. Pudgy faces, 2 to 3 chins, all the figures on men and women interchangeable.
Where is Jack LeLane when you need him?
Richard Simmons is loving it I bet though.
What do you think? Am I crazy or is it like that?

2006-11-19 00:49:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

... at
the Orlando History Center but at the slightest rumour that
the private parts of a statue might be showing, people are clamouring to cover drape it? Which of
these is natural and which is unnatural?

My grandmother who is Jamaican used to say, "Some things are best left forgotten." This is my view, and a view shared by many Jamaicans regarding the horrors of slavery. While I respect and understand the African American view that 'to remember the past is to not repeat it' this is not a view that I share. So, if I were a parent, I would not want my child presented images of fear and hate from this very sad period in America's past. And while, I don't agree that bus loads of elementary school children are taken on tours to see it, this is an individual parent's decision. While I respect why the African American people want this exhibt included, in my oppinion, even some adults might be traumatized in viewing it moreover a young and fragile child.

2006-11-18 22:30:07 · 9 answers · asked by solisue 2


In a small town (11,000) outside Chicago a book is teaching the gay life to children between the ages of 4to 6. It is about 2 male penguins who find a egg & hatch it. First of all the males did not lay the egg. The liberian said that all books should be read by any age group even if they are to young to undrestand. So do we say it is all right to teach 4 year olds that you can have a female daddy or a male mommy? cant we wait a little until they can make up their own minds?

2006-11-18 21:53:18 · 6 answers · asked by BUTCH 5

They wouldn't be stereotypes if they weren't true about a majority of a group.That's how stereotypes come about.Almost everyone in a particular group does it.I'm Polish,but I'm not stupid.I'm French Canadian,but I'm not snooty or a surender monkey,and I'm Italian but sometimes I am loud and I do have greasy hair.I really don't care if someone makes a comment about it.In fact I joke about it.I personally blame it on everyone in America wanting to claim victim status,and because everyone is too touchy feely these days.Don't say that or I'll sue you!What ever...What does everyone else think?

2006-11-18 21:49:12 · 16 answers · asked by Vtmtnman 4

This is so stupid because it bases race on social construct. Look at the average Italian and the average Argentinian and they look almost the same and many people there are from Italian immigrants.

2006-11-18 21:47:55 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is it with all the racial tension erupting all world it comes to a nation so multiculturally diverse as our own,with so many races on the one nation how can you pin all the blame on one race such as the muslims, i am anglo and i believe the blame lies on all sides

2006-11-18 21:38:30 · 4 answers · asked by thomasstrt 1

i need your help i was with a man for 4 years and we jus broke up almost a year ago i love and i want him back if any of you know a love spell i will gladly pay if works please contact me at mskrys82@yahoo.com if so PLEASE PEOPLE NO SMART ANSWERS OR DUMB BUTTS witch i know will answer this but owell all serious inquires please email me or send a messege thnx

2006-11-18 20:40:15 · 6 answers · asked by mskrys 1

Most of the Japanese don't have a religion, so why do they celecrate christmas ?

2006-11-18 20:31:21 · 11 answers · asked by Yo Bro.. 2

eventually both get laid by a mexican, is this true?

2006-11-18 20:14:56 · 12 answers · asked by GirlyWorld 1

2006-11-18 20:00:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been to a few different countries in my life for vactions or what ever and NEVER once did I hear anyone say to me, "If your gonna be in my country you better learn the language or go home". Are we the only nation that does this? Are we so concerned with a complete strangers conversation that we choose to take our nosieness that far? By the way those that think peopel speaking another language are talking about them,arent, they dont care about you.

2006-11-18 19:52:27 · 14 answers · asked by fatpeople_atemy_family 2

I know it sounds mean, but I believe the murder rates have increased by 50% or doubled. one week last year i watched the news and kept a list of all of the bad things that happened. i had down about 6 murders, and they were all connected to katrina murderers and fights. I hear that New orleans had the top crime rate.....is it really so wrong to accept them at first, but now a year later want them to move back home? It really has nothing to do with race, but I put that in there because most people from new orleans were african american...maybe i'm just a mean person, and if u think so, don't say it with cuss words or by degrading words.

2006-11-18 19:38:11 · 10 answers · asked by Jessicat 3

Why do most of the atheists on here feel its ok to insult people on here then get angry when someone questions or insults them? Whats the matter,cant handle it?

2006-11-18 19:35:08 · 8 answers · asked by fatpeople_atemy_family 2

Please note, I have no problem with that, just curious.!!

2006-11-18 18:46:37 · 14 answers · asked by Daydreamer 5

Specifically from the African-American background. We seem to find more white/asian interracial relationships being more widely accepted in this day and age. But, is it more accepted in a today's society with black/asian interracial relationship?

2006-11-18 18:32:31 · 14 answers · asked by weaknessforsweetness478 1

Can you tell me how to play them? Please use correct spelling. Do you know some sites that display the game mechanics?

2006-11-18 18:31:33 · 2 answers · asked by ♫tweet75♫ 3

The games Asian children play in te streets except for the Philippines.

2006-11-18 18:11:04 · 7 answers · asked by ♫tweet75♫ 3

i mean they're not from india...why arent they just reffered to as native americans..

2006-11-18 18:10:15 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My grandma told me to never marry an Irish man because I told her I liked the Irish boy who lives next door. She keep on saying that they are always drunk, they beat on their wives, and they like to have a lot of sex. She said that she used to be married to an Irish man before she was married to my grandfather and the Irish man used to abuse her and he was a drunk. I think it's wrong or her to judge all Irish men and I told her that not all Irish are like that. But shes not listening to me.

2006-11-18 17:35:57 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

if i get an obscene jesture with another driver should i give it back ,do you ,even if it was your fault,or do you throw up your in an appoligistic jesture with your hands?i just dont know what to do.

2006-11-18 17:25:44 · 25 answers · asked by gscott43206 2

I know some races that I am, but is it possible to find out from your blood or no?

2006-11-18 17:22:07 · 8 answers · asked by LikeItorNot 3

I believe this. Even though I have so many liberal views about sex, birthcontrol, and prematrial sex. I think children should only be born in wedlock. I wasn't born in wedlock myself, I was suppose to but my dad was being stupid and didn't want to marrry my mom.

2006-11-18 17:10:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-18 17:02:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-18 16:58:29 · 13 answers · asked by EgoSum 1

it is time to move on,we are broke,they hate us,and we are in it for the oil.the only flag that i see is one with $$ signs on it over there.im sick and tired of young people getting killed for oil.if Canada attacked the U.S.A wouldent you be snipping them?in fact the administration cut bennifits in the millions to vets.its a creepy war run by even creepier people,who call the shots from the golf, course club house.being patriotic is building a new va hospital , the and the like.having served in the army and now being in my 50s i reflect on the things that are true,like an american car that works,a clean side walk,a kid on a bike not built in china,even a tree fort.im on a roll ,well better stop here and see if our Uncle Sams bandages need changing.

2006-11-18 16:43:37 · 8 answers · asked by gscott43206 2

I have no idea why I am so angry, I think its cause of muslims, pakistanis, etc, why are you even in my own country, I hate you so much........

2006-11-18 16:35:42 · 17 answers · asked by shaunybhoy 2

Donte thay noe you always substitute the E /? And I Am not whing e ing.

2006-11-18 16:07:52 · 13 answers · asked by zyp_john 2

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