I am from the south and I have read a lot of questions on here claiming that all southerners have a drawl, marry their relatives, and drop out of high school to get a low paying job because southerners "aren't smart enough." I can personally say that at my high school, i know NO ONE that is inbred, and no one personally that has dropped out of high school to have a baby or for any other reason. It angers me to hear the stereotypes of where I was born and raised and that people think that just because I'm from the south I'm not smart. The crime rate here is high, yes, but it's no worse than other states with a higher population. I don't stereotype people that are from the northeast, northwest, etc. and believe me that southerners are not all redneck hicks that don't make it to 7th grade, we happen to be intelligent people as a whole. So please, don't believe everything you hear.
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