I'm a Catholic, and I usually go to church every week. When everyone goes up to accept the body and blood of Christ (the host and the wine), I just stay in my seat.
Why, you ask?
I was called out by a priest at Mass last year in front of my whole Church. I was walking up to get the host, and when he held it out and said "The body of Christ," I said "Amen," but reached out for the host instead of allowing him to place in my hand. He rudely corrected me and told me that I had to 'practice' for next time.
I was very embarassed, went back to my seat and thought that it was all over.
Then the same priest went up in front of my Church (about 500 people) and mentioned that a guy came up for the host and reached out for it. He told everyone that it was essential to take Communion seriously, and the "young man"-- or me, didn't take it seriously.
I was so close to getting up in front of my Church and telling him off, but I didn't.
It's been a year. Should I start going to Communion again?
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Religion & Spirituality