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Psychology - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

do any of them show any emotion at all

2007-10-29 12:05:48 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

for some reason whatever im feeling depressed, sad, angry, anxiety, or any ache or pain goes away when im taking a walk in the woods...does anyone else feel this way?

2007-10-29 11:52:07 · 20 answers · asked by karma2122 3

my boyfriend and i have this game. every time we talk on the phone or get to see each other( ldr) we have to tell the other a fact that we learned (interesting, weird, or just something good to know). it keeps things fun and we learn.

we get to see each other in two weeks. by then we decided to try and become an expert at something. he's very intelligent and knows pretty much everything about everything. (history, science, technology...on and on...)

anyone have an interesting topic that i could further look into that most people wouldn't know a lot about? anything you ever wanted to know about but never put in the time to learn it?


2007-10-29 11:36:48 · 7 answers · asked by hopes&dreams 4

I wouldn't want to just see darkness forever. I would like to be reincarnated and live another life again.

2007-10-29 11:11:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anthony M 3

physically fit,intelligent,intuitive and a great guitarist musician.

2007-10-29 11:01:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

What's the difference? I'm in law school and absolutely hate it. I don't even look forward to waking up in the morning. How do I know if I'm depressed, rather than just sad that I'm stuck in this situation right now?

2007-10-29 10:54:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a moral homework wich i cant do
the questions are the following:

1.- Why do we practice confidence?

2.- How do we practice confidence?

3.-What would confidence look like if you are asked to speak in front of the class?

4.- What would confidence look like If you did something that really upset your mom?

2007-10-29 10:46:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-29 10:42:13 · 12 answers · asked by ? 5

How can you tell if you're smart? People tell me I'm really smart, but some of these people have higher test scores and GPAs. I just like to read a lot.

2007-10-29 10:07:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

and alone at that...when you know if you dont hang in there for another two years you might die or do something you seriously will regret for the rest of your life and might also ruin the rest of your life

how do you deal with it? how do you keep yourself patient?

2007-10-29 09:07:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Let's say there's something that you don't want to do, that wouldn't help you in any way and there's no negative consequences for not doing it.
What could motivate you to do it anyway?

2007-10-29 08:57:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-29 08:39:26 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don't get me wrong. I know that sometimes we all encounter people who seem to be mentally unstable, and sadly, we often avoid them, because we're either not entirely sure we can be safe around them or else we find their behavior unnerving. However, there are some people who, while they don't exactly come across as mentally unstable, still come across as being somehow different from most other people. Sadly, these people are often shunned, as well. Why, though? Why does our society pressure people to follow the herd rather than encourage and reward individuality? If anything, individuality should be encouraged, since it's often the nonconformists who pioneer the greatest changes and make the biggest discoveries. (Think of Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Thomas Edison.)

2007-10-29 08:33:13 · 13 answers · asked by tangerine 7

When you need to use the loo in someone else's house, do you find it embarrassing to ask where it is? I'm thinking of people that you maybe don't know very well. Do you feel uncomfortable when using someone's else's loo.



2007-10-29 07:25:51 · 6 answers · asked by scott.radley 4

My sibbling and this man had informed me last yr that my present boyfriend and I are soulmates. Well there's alot to our story on how we ended up together. Anyway, I was informed also that I am living in the or on the higher dimensions and that i can be classified as being conscious. Now my bus driver pal also mentioned to me that i have discovered my spirituality. to make a long story short i started reading some topics and i have come to the conclusion that i am sought of like a spirit one that can relate to the other side (if that makes any sense) anyway i am wondering since per plato if ole boy and i will completely be together upon our deaths? we are separated by distance and sought of our circumstances. but our love is strong i tell you that much. please figure out my riddle i know it sounds confusion but i need to know am i dying soon since we are lovers by our spirit not like other physical egotistical relationships i had in the past.

2007-10-29 07:01:50 · 3 answers · asked by renosgirl2006 4

2007-10-29 06:27:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm mainly thinking about all the musicians, artists, writers, etc who were major talents in their fields but were drug and/or alcohol addicted.

Do the two, high creativity and addiction, necessarily go hand in hand?

I'd like to hear your thoughts. Thanks.

2007-10-29 06:13:43 · 3 answers · asked by Abby O'Normal 6

You've tried medicine for depression and anxiety and none of them worked and you had bad adverse side effects from it. Such as more irritibility, meanness(nasty to others without realizing it), agitated, rashes, hallucinations, itchy eyes itchy nose and sneezing uncontrollably, manic, doing risky behaviors and things you would never do.

You've tried and all failed:
Paxil(caused risky behaviors, manic)
Zoloft(same as Paxil)
Celexa(itchy eyes watery eyes itchy nose sneezing uncontrollably after one day of taking it)
Welbutrin(caused meanness-being nasty to others without realizing it)
Prozac(felt weird, agitated and irritible)
Limictum(hallucinations and rash)
Lexapro(agitated, irritable and crossed eyes)

If none of these work are there other options that'll help?

What does it mean when none of those meds help you but made you worse?

2007-10-29 05:35:25 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-10-29 05:30:03 · 13 answers · asked by . 7

bad relationships

2007-10-29 05:12:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have this project to do for my tech prep English class. I have to present a project to my class along with a group of partners given to me. I need to talk about independant and dependant clauses. As part of the project we need a visual or something that can show a good example of what we mean by dependant and independant clauses. This could be a song or something visual like a hat. Any suggestions of a song or of something that we could use to show a visual for dependant and independant clauses?

Another group has to do something with speeling mistakes and such. They are using that song by Timberland- the way I are. The correct way to say it is the way I am. They are using this song to show a visual of how this is a speeling mistake.

Get the idea? Now- can you please help me?

Thanks again as always from John to you!

2007-10-29 04:40:44 · 1 answers · asked by mhsforjohn 1

Would you try to change your behavior in the past? Tell yourself to make another career decision? Not to drink and drive? Not to do drugs? What would it be?

2007-10-29 04:08:36 · 27 answers · asked by Love Conquers All 5

2007-10-29 03:46:58 · 8 answers · asked by hello♥ 2

The fear of death is a very real thing. I will get over it soon but it popped into my thoughts recently and is gripping my heart like a vice. I want to live forever.

2007-10-29 03:44:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-29 03:22:15 · 8 answers · asked by Eric Chua Yanshan Maynas 3

2007-10-29 03:04:29 · 9 answers · asked by Barbara Doll to you 7

I just felt like asking a random question that would get very varied answers. So, according to you, what is the most artificial or fake thing in the world? Be it an action, an item, a person, or anything else...

2007-10-29 03:02:34 · 9 answers · asked by ChaoticKimmy 3

I know this b/c my mother recently told me. I was sick b/c she was laughing about it.

When I was older, around 7 or 8, my older brother who was 12 at the time, sexually abused me.

When I was 9 my cousin sexually abused me.

I consider myself bi-sexual and have always had issues with feeling good about sex.

What effect could the abuse I went through as a child have on my sexuality? I have tried therapy but never got anywhere with it.

Thanks to all who respond...

2007-10-29 02:15:41 · 10 answers · asked by asldfkjdfj 5

hey i have to go do a presentation in an hour. im notnervous now, but as soon as i get into class, my nerves will skyrocket. how to a get rid of them?

2007-10-29 01:31:08 · 6 answers · asked by Sally A 3

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