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Psychology - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

Its all a load of crap! Im sorry religion is in general. Long live communism! I have read the DA Vinci code and it explains a lot. The church is a LIE! Jesus was a married man with a son! Religion is just for people who cant deal with real life problems. Time to face reality!!!! WAKE UP! .....What do you think?

2006-11-15 00:08:14 · 11 answers · asked by Schniz'n'Chiz 1

In that day some TV channels show their news of children working at various places.

2006-11-14 23:42:53 · 1 answers · asked by atchyuth_brundavana 1

2006-11-14 23:35:38 · 7 answers · asked by MAHAM 1


in the part that says known sauce type in your fav sauces

i e tomato cheeze etc

2006-11-14 22:39:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you think maybe i may be going through the change?

2006-11-14 22:36:40 · 9 answers · asked by LONNEY O 2

My best friend and I share an apartment together and we recently took on another roommate from craigslist, and there are some things that we noticed.
He'd been going on out computer and viewing child pornography. my bestfriend and I didn't catch on at firs because he was deleting the cookies, temporary internet files, and the internet history.
Well, I guess he forgot to do it the other day, because we found several pictures of very young girls (ages 6 to 9, I'd say) posed in very provacative positions, etc.,
The only thing is, I'm not sure how to confront him and I want to call the police but I don't know what the procedure is for this kind of thing.
If I report him to the police, how would I prove it was him and would they guarantee that he went to jail?
I don't want to report him if nothing is going to happen and if my security is in jeopardy.
He doesn't seem like a violent person, but I'm afraid he may become so if confronted.
Any suggestions/answers at all?

2006-11-14 22:16:18 · 11 answers · asked by Secret G 2

A man was lost in a deep forest.Going into the forest,he found two ways fortunately,one was back to the town and the other into the deep forest.There were only two people in the forest excluding the man,one was good and the other a liar and they both knew the right way to the town.One of the people was coming towards the man.The man actually couldn't know whether the person was good or a liar.However,he must ask the person only one question to know the right way to back to the town again.What question must he ask? (if the person was a liar he would say opposite things if you asked him the right way.)

2006-11-14 21:55:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-14 21:46:13 · 1 answers · asked by vaibhav maroo 1

Your personality?
Your weight?
Your looks?

2006-11-14 21:27:01 · 23 answers · asked by Coley 4

women's progress..........................

2006-11-14 20:53:47 · 5 answers · asked by chemmeen 1

Alot of people dont know what ive gone through
although there is many who can say they have
maybe its not such a great thing
but i really do not regret it all that much
maybe ive grown to be not so smart
yes that is my fault
but im trying my best to be who i used to be
im not sure if i know who that was
but i know that girl was very smart
she didnt do drugs
she didnt steal
she was very honest
she didnt swear
maybe i just want to feel like i am sane again
Through all my experieces i think ive might have started to appreciate who i am
what can i say about myself is
Im not honest at all
I am an addict
but i know i can get over this i try and be that girl that i think i was.
People say they are in love
do they actually know what it means?
or do they just say it for the hell of it
Love is nearly a word that can express so deep of an emotion it hurts.
Im am trying to overcome what i have done and trust me it is hard
no one quite understands until they have gone through it
Theres not much to me, im simple.
Yes many people know i used to cut
At the time it felt like the only thing to do to let me anger and sadness out
but now i find it the most stupidest thing you could do
Ive gotten over that stage
And now im just tryimg to find out who i am

2006-11-14 20:05:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

is this normal?
i just go to work an come home and sleep

2006-11-14 19:28:02 · 22 answers · asked by jay Lo 1

What do you do with your dreams?
I personally write down my dreams, as mine are very in-depth and hold a lot of information, Also i find my dreams can continue on in days or months from when i first had the original.

So do you do your own dream interpretation?
Do you write them down in a journal?
or Do you just ignore them ?

2006-11-14 19:24:56 · 13 answers · asked by A Lady Dragon 5

I'm not very beautifull & I don't want to be.but now I'm a leader.how can I earn respect from every body without being beautifull.& on the top of that I'm a cripple.I was crippled from polio when I was a child.so what do u think I should do.

2006-11-14 19:19:02 · 16 answers · asked by uni_tesfu2008 1

2006-11-14 19:14:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-14 19:09:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

you have a person who knows nothing about a profession they want to do and be very sucessful at.
They dont even know why they want to do it, and are wondering if thier intrest is genuine.

but, they are aware that the ones successful in this profession have been "practicing " and have been involved in this profession for years, usually in thier early to midteens. In a sense they have been groomed for this profession

this person is twenty and has about 3 years to even stand a chance against people who have been at it since HS and are the same age.

how would you instruct this person?
what tips advice would you give them?
what would you do to turn this person into the person THEY want to be, if you could?

this person HAS to acquire very specific skills, more than one.
it would involve training and mentorship for best results.
They would also need support because competition is high and rough.
They have access to training , but dont know how to recieve it.

good luck, help me!

2006-11-14 18:25:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-14 18:24:42 · 10 answers · asked by TheBurgerKing 2

Last night at the dinner table I decided to vegetables only, coz I didn't really feel like meat, my mom shouted at me "Don't be stupid! that's an anorexic's dinner!!!" I told her that I had lunch that afternoon at work and I wasn't hungry enough to have meat as well, and that if she didn't believe me she could phone my boss, so she shouted again "You're just saying that, because you know I'm not going to phone him!", I said nicely and not even trying to be cheeky "Well I gave you the choice didn't I?", and just because I had said that she screamed at me telling me not to dare to be cheeky and talk back to her like that and she started laughing, saying that she would never speak like that to her parents, I just kept quiet because I didn't want to make a big issue of it. Later on after dinner she came to my bedroom telling me that she can't believe she didn't get an apology and that I'm a ***** because of my aunt and uncle I stayed with in the UK, it really upsets me when she says that

2006-11-14 18:21:46 · 19 answers · asked by Sheepless 1

Man must be the most aggressive and cruel of all living creatures. We may say a violent man is behaving "like a beast", but, in fact, no beast behaves as violently as man. When a territorial animal or bird intrudes on the territory of another creature of the same species, the latter will only perform some hostile gestures to warn off the intruder. Nevertheless, should a fight follow, neither creature will be badly hurt, for the loser will save himself by making a gesture of submission. Normally one animal will only kill another for food, and rarely does an animal kill a member of its own species.
2 If, however, an animal finds itself in abnormal conditions, it may show abnormal aggressiveness. A tiger that once came out of the jungle into a village and attacked a man was later found to have an injured paw that had evidently prevented it from hunting its usual prey. If it had not had this disability it would have undoubtedly stayed in the jungle and hunted for food in the customary way. Animals in zoos are kept in cages and often become more aggressive than they would be in the wild. If the caged lion, for example, were free to wander on the grassy plains of Africa, it would be continually active, ranging over long distances, hunting in family groups. In the zoo it is probably better fed and cared for, but it is evidently bored and frustrated for lack of company.
3 Some zoologists and psychologists compare modern man to a caged lion. Living conditions in crowded cities, they say, are similar to those of animals in a zoo and make the inhabitants unusually aggressive. If the human population had not increased so rapidly, people would have had more space and freedom. In prehistoric times a group of about 60 people had many kilometres of empty land to wander and search for food in. If conditions had remained thus, man might have been no more aggressive than his fellow creatures. As it is, it is possible for as many as 30,000 people to be working in a single office-building. It is not surprising if in these conditions people behave aggressively towards each other. In fact, it is almost impossible for them to behave otherwise. Man must have become more aggressive over the years as the world population has increased.
4 However, aggression in itself is not necessarily a bad thing. Some psychologists believe that aggression is a basic human instinct that must be satisfied. If constructive means are not available to satisfy this instinct, man will turn to destructive means. The impulse to assert himself has enabled him to survive in a dangerous world, but, ironically, he is now likely to destroy his own species unless alternative, non-violent ways of expressing aggression can be found. In fact, it is growing more and more difficult for people to assert themselves as individuals, as towns, nations and organizations become steadily bigger, with authority increasingly centralized and remote. A man who may once have been a self-employed craftsman, master of his own trade, might now have a boring job in a factory. A small firm that once worked as a team to produce high-quality goods is likely to be absorbed into a vast organization where their work is mechanical and there is no possibility for personal expression. Unable in these conditions to channel their aggression into creative work, people will probably express it through resentment and anger. At the international level an accumulation of hostile emotions finally finds expression in large-scale impersonal warfare. A man who would hesitate to hit another person in front of his eyes may kill thousands of people by dropping a bomb from a plane; to him they are too remote to be human beings, but are merely figures on a chart of his routine job.
5 Nevertheless, it might be possible at least to improve the situation. The encouragement of competition in all possible fields should tend to diminish the likelihood of war rather than increase it. In his book Human Aggression, Anthony Storr suggested that the United Nations should organize international competitions in sports and also for the best designed house or hospital, or the safest car. Even the enormous amount of money and energy devoted to the space race is, he says, to be welcomed, for this kind of competition can be regarded as similar to the ritual conflicts of animals. Only if hostility and aggression can be expressed in constructive activity and non-violent competition, will the human race be able to survive.

2006-11-14 18:11:39 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-14 17:25:42 · 5 answers · asked by kenson s 1

everyone with an i.q. of 120 or so, what do you do for a living and for fun?

2006-11-14 17:23:17 · 29 answers · asked by Sorcerer67 2

The problem is that I`ve been absent for a very loooong time now, and even though I realize how awful this is for me, I still can`t make myself go to school. I often have this moments, when I think that the next day I`m going to school for sure, but the next thing you know, is that on my way to school I just go in any direction, but the school one. Moreover, I`ve been even planning ahead of the day, or even a week, not to go to school!!! I know how bad this is for me, and I realize that this is just going to ruin everything I dream about. However, one thought of going to school makes me want to cry, yes, literally! Whenever I`m thinking of the school and of all "the society" in it, I just want to shoot myself! I don`t know what should I do, how I should deal with it. In addition to that, my parents totally don`t know about all this, so I feel like a crap, but can`t help myself! I just think that I really need a professional help!

2006-11-14 17:13:43 · 5 answers · asked by YMSOFU 1

Recently I've been masturbating quite a lot... it's all actually a great stress reliever from a heavy University schedule and exam revision.

The thing is.... afterwards I simply forget about it and get on with my life. But when I'm out talking with people .... they give me knowing glances and smile a little like they know what I've been doing in my private time. THEN I suddenly remember my dirty little "activities" and blush.

Maybe I'm just self conscious, but it seems ever since I started masturbating more, there are more incidents of people giving me such suggestive looks!

So....can you tell if someone else has a active sex/sexually active life?!

2006-11-14 16:59:39 · 6 answers · asked by ozmaqueen669 1

2006-11-14 16:59:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

well my girl says that she dream that i killed her cuz she says that i she was trying to do a backflip after we were done making love and then i help her by pushing her feet and then all of the sudden something went wrong and then she broke her neck ! we took her to the hospital and then at the autopsy said that she was raped cuz we were done making love so maybe thats why ! but yea then the cops said that she got raped and killed by me and then thats when she woke up !!

2006-11-14 16:57:30 · 4 answers · asked by raidershot2 1

It starts off with me getting in a lift in a steal structure. I can't explain the structure, but it is like a crane but with a couple of platforms in between the bottom and top of it, and it is quite high up.

I've always been scared of heights, and in this dream I got in the lift with my Mum and my Sister I think, and then it went all the way to the top of the structure though, and as I got out of the lift I saw how far down I was and mentioned that normally I don't go this far up, normally I only go half way. Then I noticed the only way back down was this thin ladder that went all the way down to the bottom, and I wasn't going to use that, no way.

So I said to myself "I'm going to have to jump off and kill myself because there's no way I'm going to go down that ladder and I'm starting to feel sick from being up that high.

So I step over to the side of the structure and I then saw that I seemed to be on a beach and some of the structure was over the water I think.
Then I woke up.

2006-11-14 16:52:06 · 7 answers · asked by Ceremony 2

Pls describe potential factors that may have contributed to the disorder.

2006-11-14 16:46:53 · 5 answers · asked by Moonlight 2

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