I always thought this was a boggling question, as you may have noticed we are a generation who have become highly dependent on technology. Teenagers especially are constantly on the computer, txting, iming... we start to lose face to face communications. Our use of ipods and computers require energy, the more energy, the more CO2 is emitted, which is the cause of global warming. Advancement of science and tech have also allowed countries to build nuclear bombs which cud ultimately destroy a whole nation. Human cloning is also becoming more popular, but it can radically alter human nature.
Yet, this advancement has also led to further studies and cures on cancer and diseases. Internet lets us know what goes around the world, satellites can warn us about storms, it basically allows us to live our life easier. But we have become so dependent on it.
So which do u lean towards more? Does it saves us, or will it utlimately destroy us? And if you can provide some examples in your argument.
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