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Economics - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Economics

family planning program of govt is neglacted by policy makers..

2007-02-05 00:50:26 · 5 answers · asked by gynpra 1

Within the next decade China will have the biggest economy, four times as many people as America, and a similar insular approach to world politics\foreign policy. How will America cope with losing its status?

2007-02-05 00:04:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been given an assignment... and the topic is "Economics of ecology"
Please help me a bit..
Give some ideas about it... just in few words...

2007-02-04 23:08:04 · 3 answers · asked by Ω Nookey™ 7

Like the cake being of same size only the slices change in size. Few become richer everyday while others become poorer. The wealth can not be created. Wealth only circulates amoung people. Someones increase in income means some other person's decrease in income or loss. Everyone can not be rich at the same time. Is this view correct in economics?

2007-02-04 21:37:43 · 5 answers · asked by Justanian 1

2007-02-04 21:15:10 · 3 answers · asked by ellen 1

Billionaires donate money to cancer research, education, victims of child abuse, etc. but does that money affect people in general economically? It seems like if billionaires give a lot of money to organizations which do not benefit individuals economically instead of just spending it, then people will be poorer. Obviously the amount of money donated in relation to the amount of money in the U.S. economy is miniscule so we would not notice any change but if people become more generous by giving more to organizations which do not make money, would this hurt the economy?

2007-02-04 19:00:24 · 3 answers · asked by creeklax05 1

I need some information could anyone help me with these two questions..

Thanks so much

What are the pros and cons of globalization??
And how does globalization affects people and places.??

2007-02-04 17:34:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

most countries including the united states import substantial amounts of goods and services from other countries. yet ch 25 of mankiw's principles of economics (3rd edition) says that a nation can enjoy a high standard of living only if it can produce a large quantity of goods and services itself.

2007-02-04 17:33:30 · 2 answers · asked by johannrodneyong 2

2007-02-04 17:15:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anand K 1

2007-02-04 17:05:21 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-04 15:36:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

For historical reasons the US government owns an enormous buttload of gold bricks in Fort Knox. Why? It doesn't back up the currency anymore. What purpose does it serve? Why don't we just sell it? If it all disappeared tomorrow it wouldn't make a bit of real difference in the economy or in anyone's life. What's the point? Is is just hoarded to avoid flooding the gold market and tanking the price of gold?

2007-02-04 15:10:18 · 5 answers · asked by KevinStud99 6

Combined with putting strict caps on "defense" budget. For some of these knuckleheads muscling around another nation is a game and they will use every dollar that isn't theirs to win it.

2007-02-04 15:09:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-04 13:54:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Any idea on a good topic? It has to be abit specific not just The R&R Industry.
One topic that I might tackle is: What's behind the low personal Saving Rate?

2007-02-04 13:46:46 · 5 answers · asked by SHRAZZY 2

help please

2007-02-04 13:20:21 · 1 answers · asked by harry truman 2

Less resourses and low income.
why ?

2007-02-04 11:57:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Detailed answers please x

2007-02-04 10:31:02 · 7 answers · asked by Yvanfm 1

Is it gold? I mean a piece of paper seems like a lot to us today but back in the 1800s it was very controversial. And American coins arn't made of copper and nickel anymore, right?

2007-02-04 10:06:03 · 6 answers · asked by Meaghan 2

Does a brain surgeon earn as much as a plumber, for example?

2007-02-04 07:38:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the government ordered each household a set amount per week in order to slow down damage of global warming, would you be willing to vote FOR it?

2007-02-04 06:02:03 · 12 answers · asked by katy 1

3 men went to stay at a motel, the stay in total was $30. They each put in $10. The manager then decided that b/c it was 4 a.m. when they checked in, he would take $5 off the price. He sent his clerk to give them back $5. The clerk said to himself, "they cant split $5 evenly so, I cam going to give them $3 and keep $2 for myself. So if the 3 men each got back a dollar. In total they spent $27. But if the clerk kept the $2 that would make it $29 not $30. Where is the other dollar??? I know 3+2=5. But when you look at the total of what they spent and what the clerk kept. Its doesn't make sense. There is an answer, I just cant figure it out. Does anyone know???

*9 X 3+ 27 what they really spent
*clerk kept $2
*27+2= 29 not 30????? Where is that dollar that totals the origianal $30 spent

2007-02-04 05:58:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

the Gupta empire in india and the Roman Empire

2007-02-04 05:03:16 · 1 answers · asked by big e 2

2007-02-04 04:36:46 · 5 answers · asked by taj n 1

Because of its brilliant One-Child policy coupled with a common preference for boys and no hesitation to abort girls, young men in China will soon outnumber young women by hundreds of millions. Will this harm the economy, will it cause China to invade other countries to get women, or will they just turn gay?

2007-02-04 04:09:28 · 4 answers · asked by KevinStud99 6

give the answer in point form supporting the motion

2007-02-04 02:47:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-04 02:36:47 · 9 answers · asked by eumermoitajai 1

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